I have been know to post images and videos when it compliments the answer.
Yes. I do if I can.
I do if the feeling strikes me.
i like to but AB doesn't always allow it. here is one for you.
Well I used to, but for some unknown and very irritating reason, my p.o.s. computer won't let me anymore. grrrrr....
It's too much effort. Half the time I don't even fully answer question because I'm too lazy.
Yes many a times ...but not all..some of them :-)
No! I hate it!
Yes, I do indeedy!
Yes, but certainly not always. When I have a picture that goes well with my answer, then I will post it.
Oh yes, I do. One of my favorite ones is.... ...this man:
yes usually this one
Yes, some of the images I upload say more than my words:-)
Hmmmm...I never thought about posting images. I've been sending a lot links with my answers.
if you know anything about me, you will know the answer to this question.... here is some "eye candy" for all the ladies
I like videos better.
I do get into moods where I post pictures, but most don't seem to appreciate them. This one is my favorite: Attached is a useful graph
Yes I do but I notice that many people don't like photos in answers, I don't know why because if they don't want to click on them they don't need to. I think they help make the answers more personal or helps to show exactly what you are talking about. If someone asks what kind of dog I have, I'll post a photo, if someone asks about something they don't know about and i have a photo, I'll show them for clarity.
I LOVE it! I do it any chance I can...for no apparent reason... hmmm...I think I'll post fractals this time...I'm slightly obsessed with them at the moment.
Yes, sometimes..
6/5/2023, certainly on the old Answerbag.
I'm okay not posting images with my answers.
Occasionally, when that option is available. I do understand why some sites don't offer it, so I'm NOT upset when it's not available. It just means that my response might e a bit longer!!!
Sometimes, but generally speaking images take longer to load and if there are a bunch of them in the thread it makes the page load slow.
β Stevo
when dial up was a thing that mattered. Now days does it matter? I'll bet my connection is one of the slowest amoungest all AB users it loads pictures and video quick enough.
I haven't seen any posted.
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