• No. Unlike Batman, who needs devices to do what human flesh cannot, Superman need a gadget belt like a fish needs a bicycle. When he does need a mega-thingy, it's usually so big that it's not belt portable. Besides, that's what all those local S.T.A.R. Labs sites are for, local gadget dumps for Supes to use when the writers get stuck.
  • Not usually. However if you read the Graphic novel Superman:Doomsday you will note that Superman is given a utility belt and even weaponry by the Mother Box, a gift given to him by Waverider.
  • No, but the Superman prior to the 1980's DC Universe "reboot" DID, at one time (for the duration of one issue) have a utility belt, complete with a miniature phantom zone projector and a device to squirt molten lead to cover up chunks of kryptonite when he encountered them. If memory serves me, it was actually designed to be a trap of some sort for Superman. This story was first published in either Superman or Action comics (I can't remember which) and I believe it first came out during the 1960's. I have searched in vain for a reference to this issue and if anyone else remembers this, I'd love to hear from you.
  • only when inside Kandor playing Nightwing and Flamebird with jimmy Olsen (i think) and no this is not innuendo!

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