• Yes i do, i find him hilarious.. he always has great guests on and usually a really good band. I hate to miss his show.
  • No, no at all. There are several British talk show hosts/personalities that I just don't find the least bit funny or appealing and I can't figure out how they get air time. Ross is one of them, Russell Brand is another... that guy's just an idiot. I do love the old Ricky Gervais show with Karl Pilkington and Steve Merchant. Those guys were hilarious.
  • No. He just irritates (iwitates?) me. :-)
  • I enjoy watching his show. I won't go out of my way to watch every week, but I like when he interviews celebrities I am interested in. I like the way he always compliments the male celebrities on how good looking they are, because that's what all the fans are thinking, whereas people probably wouldn't be as amused if it was a woman or gay man saying those sorts of things to a celebrity. I just think Jonathan Ross has the right kind of attitude to get away with the kind of humour he does.

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