• That's Agnostiscm. You believe in a Creator, but not in psyche-damaging dogma or perverted history.
  • I'm not sure you can ''not believe in the Bible'', I mean, there are millions of copies of it everywhere. It exists, and is very real. However, to believe in God you don't need to believe what's IN the Bible. A lot of people don't.
  • Of course, you can believe anything you like. No one can tell you the right way to follow your beliefs. Whatever seems true to you is perfectly fine.
  • I look at the Bible like a game played in Kindergarten. Everyone sits shoulder to shoulder. The teacher whispers a phrase in the first child's ear, then the child turns their head to whisper it in the next childs ear, and so on until it reaches the end. Originally the phrase may have been "ten purple balloons" and at the end will be WAY off like "cat poop smells bad." The bible has been re-written and re-translated dozens of times. I seriously doubt it says what was originally intended. So, I believe in God but not the Bible. Hope this answer helps.
  • Absolutely, many other religions believe in god but do not study the bible. Other's are spiritual and believe in a god but do not subcribe to any specific religion.
  • I guess I can.....but I won't.
  • Absolutely, the concept of "God" is not exclusive to the bible or to Christian religions, for that matter.
  • Yes. There are many religions that do not include the Bible in their beliefs, yet they have a concept of God. "Shinto" quite litterally means "the way of the Gods" Hindus have a vast pantheon of many Gods. Although Buddhists follow the teachings of a man who achieved enlightenment, Buddha himself refered to a "Great Maker" who waited for his creations to learn how to come to come full circle and return to Him ... the "Reunion of Heaven and Man" is also a Taoist concept. ... and then there are the old pantheons with Gods like Zeus or Odin or Ra ... and there are still many more ... Even the Muslims and Jews believe in God, but only the older parts of the Bible ...
  • Sure. I believe in God. I believe the Bible exists, but I don't believe that the Bible has anything to do with God. I think that the contents of the Bible are largely a bunch of tripe, and quite a lot of it is evil. Therefore, I'm a living example of believing in God but not believing the contents of the Bible are true.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I think that the contents of the Bible are largely a bunch of tripe, and quite a lot of it is evil." I'm sure you have been reading that focuses on taking Scripture out of context.
  • I believe in a higher power, and def not the bible
  • Well, yes. Probably.
  • 1) It would probably be difficult to believe as the God who is presented in the Bible if you would not believe a part of the things which are told in the Bible. But of course, you don't have to believe everything you read in the Bible (even if some people think you have). 2) Moreover, if God exists, you do not need the Bible to believe in God. People believed in God long before the Bible existed and will probably still believe in God after the Bible has ceased to exist. The Bible don't exist on every other planet, for instance. And many people on Earth base their belief in God on something else as the Bible, and it was the same in the past.
  • I dont beleive In the bible, But I do beleive in a god. There have been to many wars, deaths,hate, hurt,predudice With this bible. There Is alot of mystical things that happened back when to, that have not happened sence. A bunch of people making up stories. For things they couldnt comprehend,because of there child like thought. The way they thought was very prime evil. Anything that was different was bad back then, I would say there mind back then were like a bunch of kids in grade school. Everyone wanted to fit in.So no you can beleive in a higher power, Look at other religions. Indians, Buddist, and greeks are to name a few. look at what they beleived before this man made bible.Think about what these people did before being forced into christiananity,or catholic or any bible beleiving religion, O dont forget wicca. Alot of are christian holidays are on there holidays, do to the church....... For reasons of trying to push there religion on people that didnt want there ways of thought... Alot of these people were killed cause they refuse to beleive in the bible. They wernt hurting anyone, beleiving in mother earth,stars, and life. they charished it for it brought them life. the earth is ar god, he or she is everywhere. The bible has cost more harm, it also shows predudise to woman. And why was all this crap going on in the eastern countrys, there were other places on earth 2. I dont Know what to call my beleif, But I no I beleive in god, but not your bible
  • I once believed the Bible, but after years of intensive study, I no longer believe the stories to be factual. It shows what ancient man believed and how he acted, through stories, no different than any other myth. Many are based on something true, but the stories themselves are false. Any true Deep study of the Bible reveals many errors in its history, many things that just do not line up or add up. I still believe in God, but I do not believe the Bible is the pure perfect word of God, only a clear picture of what the men who wrote it believed.
    • pugwashjw65
      The overall theme of the Bible is to instal a standard of behaviour..that benefits all...and to prove Satan a liar...
  • Of course. It's not like they're directly related.
  • Sure. Jews beleive in the Torah Muslims the Koran/ Qur'an And others just beleive there is a God
    • pugwashjw65
      But WHAT do those scriptures TEACH...and book that promotes revenge has to be wrong...So this in turn condemns the whole 'faith 'of Islam...
  • No, I cannot believe in God and yet not believe in the Bible. God reveals Himself through the Bible, His inspired Word. Without His revelation (via the Bible as well as His creation) to us, we would never ever know and understand who God really is.
    • NotthatWretched
      Exactly! Amen! The God of the Bible is the only true God as confirmed by The Holy Spirit.
  • Yes, I can, just not the one described in the bible. Even every christian has a different take, so why can't I?
  • I believe in God and the Bible. There is a fundamental difference between truth and fact. It is true that God exists but I cannot prove it. It is a fact that President Bush said he invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction but it is not true. Catholics believe that the Bible teaches truth about God but it is not historically factual at all times. The Bible's primary purpose is to teach us the truth about God and His (or Her) love for us and how we should love each other, not to teach facts about history or science. All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 105 and following: With love in Christ.
    • pugwashjw65
      So in your 'work' do you comply with Matthew 28: 19,20? Jesus went door to door. Do you? J.W's DO.
    • pugwashjw65
      So in your 'work' do you comply with Matthew 28: 19,20? Jesus went door to door. Do you? J.W's DO.
  • Yes :)
  • Absolutely! I believe in God as in a higher power that created life and the universe. However, I think the bible, as another poster said, is basically a book that has been written by man. Yes, there are some good stories in there but but do I believe everything in it? Absolutely not. Jesus was a human being just like you or I. I look at him as if he were a "Mother Theresa" of his time. He probably was a very good person - maybe hailed as a hero - but that does not mean I have to worship him or pray to him. I am often misjudged by people because I don't go to church (don't see the point) and do not read the bible (does not interest me). But that does not mean I am not a good person or that I do not believe in God. In fact, I have a better set of morals than most bible readers who "commit sins" and then go confess to get redeemed. God can also mean living your life in a "Good Orderly Direction" (G.O.D.). Not sure there is a term out there for this belief system, as it is not agnostic, but who needs to be defined anyway? Hope this helps!
  • that how i pretty much that one guy said metaphorical...its like taking those words of wisdom and making good choices from them
  • That what depend on what God you believe in. One can certainly believe in "the God of the philosophers", not to mention the God of the Hindus, the God of just about all animistic and/or pantheistic beliefs, and even the (impersonal, ineffable) "God" of the Buddhists without believing the Bible. Though I suppose one could believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob without believing the Bible -- but that's kind of like believing in gravity without believing in mass and falling, or believing in microbes but not in microscopes or research into microbiology.
  • No, neither. One is totally psychodelic and the other one, delusional
  • Yes. The Bible is a book among many books. We could argue if it was factual or not, but I refuse because I'll only get cut and paste scripture thrown at me, no reasonable thought or proof for that matter.
  • God does not come from the Bible and the Bible does not come from God. The wonders of life are enough evidence to prove the existence of God. I believe God wants us to do what is good for ourselves and each other.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      But you couldn't know what "exactly" are you believing in, other than there is something out there, in your mind or in your dreams. Quote: "I believe God wants us to do what is good for ourselves and each other." Practicing good works can be done by anyone whether you are a believer or a non-believer. The fact is: there is no way to check your "merit balance" of good works to see if you've stored up enough to be saved.
    • Linda Joy
      You can with the guidance of The Spirit.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Linda Joy, the Spirit of truth manifests itself through the Word of God. John 17:17 "Sanctify them in the truth; your Word is truth."
    • Linda Joy
      That's not the only way! People believed in God long before the Bible was written!
  • Not in the Christian Faith. Having a Divine source is important for seeking guidance. Jeremiah 29:13 "And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."
    • Linda Joy
      It doesn't say "with all your heart and The Bible"
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't know which Bible version you are reading, but that's what the KJV says:
  • Yes, it is possible to believe in the Judeo-Christian God and not the Bible. The Bible is in two sections the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the history of the Jewish peoples and also the OT law given to the Jews. The New Testament is the teaching of the life of Jesus Christ and the letters of a number of the apostils' Teaching of the Age of Grace and the Law of Love. Many people do not know what the Bible actually says because they put today's meanings on words used differently two thousand or more years ago. This has caused much confusion through the ages. Find and read the book, The Royal Law of Liberty by Darwin Chandler. It might clarify many things for you.
  • Sure! You can believe whatever you choose to believe. It doesn't even have to make sense or be true. In fact you can prove someone wrong with facts and figures and they can still believe the lie. If you're really searching for truth ask for assistance from The Spirit.
  • i think thats possible
  • Not when it's obviously playing out right before our very eyes. It's His story.
  • I would say it is possible but the Bible is my operating manual because it is the words of God. Praise the name of Jesus!
  • No one would even KNOW about God [ name/ Jehovah ] if it were not for Moses and others having written it. Moses let us know about Abraham worshipping a singular 'God'...and over 1500 years, other information was added... So we have an obligation. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man.
    • Linda Joy
      Not true. Adam and Eve knew. And their children knew because they taught them. The Bible was not needed for people to believe in God before it was written.
    • NotthatWretched
      All of the scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Without the Word of God which has power in it of God, one is defenseless before the enemy. Jesus also clearly stated that if we really love Him, we would keep His Words. His prophetic words are playing out before our eyes. God's presence was heavier in the earth in Adam and Eve's day. Gen 6:3 is very revealing. 1 Thess 2:3-we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed *at work in you who believe.*
  • Of course! The Bible wasn't even finished being written until the first century AD and not printed until the 1450's and God has been around since "the beginning". In fact you can choose to believe anything you wish, but it doesn't necessarily make it true. But I can testify to you that The Bible is true and you can find happiness by learning and obeying its instruction.
  • Of course you can. God exists within you as you.
  • The Bible is a compilation of books that Jehovah God provides for our benefit. It gives us comfort, guidance, hope and instructions as to how to render sacred service that He approves of. The answer is no, one cannot worship Jehovah God without a true understanding of his written word.
  • To really have faith and a belief in God it is necessary to gain an insight into his word the Bible e.g. if you were wanting to be doctor etc it would be necessary to study the medical information required to have faith in the information presented for you to learn and become doctor etc, Same with God his word builds knowledge of who he is what his purpose is for the earth and mankind . The Bible explains that under God’s Kingdom Government , peace and security will be experienced on the earth .
  • You will be shocked to learn that there are many religions that worship a god but are not Christian. Actually the majority of the people in the world are NOT Christian and do not believe in the Bible.
  • No. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting thing straight, for disciplining in righteousness. So you can not believe in God and not believe the Bible. To learn more please visit jworg.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      How is this a serious rhetorical point? "The Bible is true because the Bible says so." So, if I say that I am right, I automatically win any argument? That's crazy.
    • Texasescimo
      The Bible has proven true throughout. People who blow hot air prove to blow hot air.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      What is the standard of scrutiny being used to determine that the Bible is proven to be true?
    • Texasescimo
      Serious question? The Bible’s coverage of history, geography, and human origins; its accuracy as to science, culture, and customs; the candor, harmony, and integrity of its writers; and its prophecy.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Ok, I'm not trying to be contrary just for the sake of it, but I have to question a little more: The Bible's coverage of history and geography compared to what? For example, Noah and the ark gives specific events, such as a worldwide flood, which is recorded in other pre-historic tales, but not supported by archaeological evidence. The final resting place of the ark is specifically named in the story, yet there is no physical ark there. As for human origins, obviously, there is a pretty serious incompatibility between the story in Genesis 1 and the physical evidence from archaeology, and even some strange inconsistencies between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. As for accuracy compared with scientific theory, I think we are on different pages there, as well, since, obviously, the stories of miracles and such, by their very nature, have no basis in science, and other mundane things are inaccurate in pretty simple ways (locusts with four legs, rabbits chewing cud, earth with four corners, etc.), so, at no rate would I consider the Bible as useful for gaining scientific knowledge (spiritual knowledge is where the debate ought to be, IMO). The integrity of the writers is maybe a moot point, if you can't objectively say who those writers were. As for the culture and the customs, of course it's a defining book for those, so no argument there, but, I'm not sure that can be used as a guideline for scrutiny. Which prophesies form the best examples of things that the Bible predicted that later happened that would have been difficult to predict?
  • Yes you can make up your own idea of God people do it all the time. The bible even talks about it saying that men didn't want to obey God so they made up their own ideas which is idolatry. Jesus said "I am THE way, I am THE truth, and THE life." John 15:4-5 “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 1 John 4:3 “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” Still, if you don't care to follow the bible then none of this will matter to you. But despite sin, God still extends his grace in order for everyone to come to him, so that he can raise us, like he raised Christ, and no longer be in slavery to the flesh, but be born again of the spirit, for the flesh dies, but the spirit is eternal.
  • Ermm.... Neither God or Jesus wrote the bible. in fact , there is no such thing as "the bible," rather "a bible" as each denomination has it's own and all are mostly wrong as God and Jesus wrote not a single word of them.
  • You have a constitutional right to believe what you want
  • You have a constitutional right to believe what you want
  • You can ,but to have a relationship with God one needs to learn about God and the Bible is God’s word to help us learn about him ,what his purpose for the earth is ,certainly not what mankind is experiencing now , God created mankind to live on the Earth forever ,in peace and security , that’s what the Bible teaches ,how and when this will happen yes you can believe in God without belief in Bible but how much better to get to know God through his word .
  • No, in order to serve the true God, you have to read his word (2 Tim 3:16,17).
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      So, by this logic, you have to believe that the Bible is the word of God before you can believe in God?
    • Texasescimo
      Bostjan64, that is not at all what LizzyP said.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      How is that not the logic represented in the answer under the context of the question?
    • Texasescimo
      I believe cars and Ford Motor exist but I would have to read the service manual to service them. I believe the King of certain Countries exist but I would have to be taught what is required to serve the King of said Country, probably some by-laws of something. Many people believe in God, but most do not serve him nor have most read the Bible. You do not have to read nor believe in the Bible to believe that a god exist, observing creation and the natural order of things should suffice for that. To truly serve God though, you have to read His word. To believe the Bible is God's word, you have to read it with an open mind. For me, I had to ask a lot of questions and do a lot of research to come to the conclusion that the Bible is God's word. So many prophecies for example, could not have come about by mans will.
    • Texasescimo
      bostjan64, I apologize, I think you were primarily responding to the "No" part of LizzyP answer, I was primarily looking at the part of to serve. I see where you were coming from now.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Ahh, okay the exchange we had makes more sense to me now as well.
    • LizzyP
      Ugh, I had a senior moment y’all. I was clearly responding to another question. My bad.

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