• Hm.. well the fastest aircraft goes about 2100m/ph. We may have gone faster than that, though...
  • The reentry speed of the Space shuttle is aided by the Earth's gravitational pull and the entry speed is approximately 25,405 feet per second (17,322 statute miles per hour).
  • 25,000 miles per hour on the part of the Apollo astronauts as they went to the Moon. I very much doubt that men will travel faster than this until such time as we leave our immediate neighborhood and actually send men to other planets.
  • Mike Tyson chewed off Evander Holyfields ear in 1.6 seconds.
  • Now, for the RIGHT answer! Unfortunately, there are several correct answers, depending on WHERE the event took place! 1) The fastest winged vehicle used mainly in the atmosphere was the rocket-powered X-15. On Oct. 3rd, 1967, the #3 vehicle (called the X-15A-2) used two extra exterior fuel tanks to accelerate to Mach 6.72 (4,520mph). It was the last flight for any X-15, and it was heated so badly that it never COULD fly again! It is now on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. 2) The fastest winged vehicle of all was the Space Shuttle "Columbia", which hit a record speed of Mach 25+ (about 17,000) on re-entry on April 14th, 1981. Do NOT believe some "expert" that said it "...was traveling 18,000mph when it exploded and killed the crew". It was not. The speed at the explosion was "only" about 3,200mph, as it was still very low in the atmosphere to go any faster. BUT...the real answer to the question about the fastest a man has gone, is: 3) The Apollo 10 crew! On May 26th, 1969, the Apollo 10 capsule called "Charlie Brown" hit a record for a MANNED VEHICLE that still stands of Mach 36 (or 24,790mph)! It was NOT upon firing the Saturn IVB stage, but upon return from lunar orbit, using only the Moon's gravity and the CSM's thrust. The crew of John Young, Gene Cernan (who would become the LAST man to walk on the moon on Apollo 17) and the Commander, my friend Gen. Tom Stafford,officially hold the record for speed for man. No man has gone any faster! Anywhere!
  • 5 miles a second on a trans lunar trajectory, ( a trip around the moon ).

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