Yes, 4 times. Once on my ankle where I broke it, once on my elbow where it got shattered when I fell (still have the pins in my elbow that hurts when it gets cold) another on my ankle, and on my wrist. It always itches, once on my wrist I got tired of it itching and I cut the cast open 2 weeks to early, then put a softcast on it. most of them were on for 3-4 weeks.
I broke my wrist when I was 17 and wore a cast for 4 months. It did itch like crazy. I use to get a metal hanger and straighten it out. And gently work it under cast where it was itching, and scratch the effected area.
Hey Ed! Same as scooter :)
Yes, I had an operation when I was 14 on my leg & I had a full leg cast on for 6 weeks. When they took it off, I could barely bend my knee since it had been staight for 6 weeks
Eddie, how is your healing going on your jaw? no casts for me, i don't live dangerously
yes for a broken itched a lot...but that was in the days before they had removeable casts.
When I sliced my achilles tendon I was in a cast for 3 months...I used the flat part of a back scratcher to ease the itches.
When I was 3 years old I broke my ankle and had to wear a cast for awhile..I don't remember how long the "awhile" was..but I do remember going from pain to terrible itching..yes, it did itch like crazy. I remember my mom trying to relieve some of it by gently trying to put something down the cast..I don't remember what it was, but she tried..something like a seemed to help a bit. She moved it around and it felt really good.
You need the CastCooler. It removes moisture under you cast which is where bacteria grows which then stinks and itches. Check out
Tough about the itching, you must lie still and accept it. I have been in a thigh cast for 6 months, itched every second of the day like crazy but I was told I must bear and accept it. It will it and you won't like it.
I have worn many casts over the years. They all has some itching or other discomfort. I guess I have has a lot of bad luck... Full leg cast for right knee injury. Both legs at different times for ankle fractures. Halo brace for a cervical fracture for 6 months. Both ankles for tendon problems at the same time, and I tripped and broke both arms. Had leg casts and full arms casts for over 6 weeks. Numerous ankle and wrist casts and braces for tendonitis applied by my wife who is an orthopedic technician. The worst was was not a cast, but having my jaw wired shut for 6 weeks for my jaw dislocating. Hurt like hell to have those wires pulled tight around my teeth. After a few days it actually felt good as the pain in my jaw totally went away.
When I broke my collar bones I had to wear a sling when I broke my ribs there was no cast for that when I broke my first ankle I had an inflatable cast but it was removable so there wasn't the cast issues I did develop a lump on my leg that eventually went away and on the second ankle I only had a split (long story)
Linda Joy
Sry missed the how long. A couple months or so.
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