• No, but if I do, I would definitely follow the park's rules. There's a sign in the 9:46 minute of the video you added. It says, "Lions Eat Meat, Stay in Car." For good reason, a person should not exit a vehicle or open the windows. 'Katherine Chappell', an American tourist in a South Africa, Safari Park comes to mind. She rolled down the window of her SUV to get a better photograph of some lions that were lying on the ground. The next you know when she lowered the window, a lioness stood up, lunged forward, grabbed the lady through the window, took a bite at her shoulder and retreated from the SUV with a taste of blood. The lioness then lunged through the open window again and ripped the lady's throat open with the razor sharp claws:
    • ★Stevo
      remember the oldcars didn't have aircon, yes you did keep the window up, I hope the car dont break down was a joke all ways told. I found a story of a cat lover 22 year man that got out of the car to pat a tiger , it mauled him of course. They only killed a couple of people every year most of them were stupid anyone she'll be right mate was the old attitude. I was brought up with. I susspect public liablity insurance cause them to close. Who would insure them as the lions did maul at least one person a year on average from what I can work out. If I said today Indians on push bikes enter for free would there be an outrage?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      In African Safari parks, there are park rangers who walk with lions. The lions know them and trust them. Lions attack primarily when they feel threatened, provoked or perceive a human as potential prey, which often happens to tourists when they get too close. In the story of Katherine Chappell, no one can sue the parks, since the park signs are clearly visible, Do Not Roll Down Windows or Do Not Get Off Car. Some people do not obey the park's rules, so more Safari Park goers continue to be mauled by the big cats. Here's a graphic YouTube video of a tiger dragging a woman who got off her car:
    • ★Stevo
      no we in Australia are now too soft to allow anything like drive your own private car thru a zoo aka safari park. That is on the no can do list unfortunately. . Most normal people dont get out of the car. Another joke was Steve Ill give you $50 to get out and pat that lion
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      People gambling with their lives can go from fun to out of control quickly.
    • ★Stevo
      stupidity at a new level at no point of all the lion jokes did any of us ever contemplate actually getting out of the car. wonder how many primed up punters gat away with patting a lion?

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