• I do, for certain crimes where the person confesses and admits their guilt. 8/24/24
  • Not at all. There is too much corruption in the world caused by people. Supporting death to a killer contributes to the corruption going on. There are people killing people which is immoral which includes certain governments in parts of the world who think they are doing justice. It is not justice to end a life. That just makes others feel better in themselves to hear that the person who killed a friend or relative to be put to death. As I said, there is corruption in the world and adding to it doesn’t do any good. There is a reason for prisons which some people don’t understand. Killers should be in prison for life without parole and the key thrown away. They need to learn the error of their ways incarcerated.
  • It is necessary for murderers to think twice before committing crimes. The death penalty is an ancient form of punishment. Exodus 21:12 "Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death."

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