Jenny_RizzoYou get a thumbs up for answering anyways. ^_^
we are dough 68
Jenny_RizzoI hope you don't plan on sucking my thumbs. lol
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐Okey-dokey.
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐Go teach Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell about it.
we are dough 68
Jenny_RizzoThe last time I recall, he has an IQ of 149.
we are dough 68
Jenny_RizzoNot me. I have an IQ of 145.
Jenny_RizzoBecause I'm great, that's why.
Jenny_RizzoLike a cheese grater.
Father , son, and Holy Ghost!
I believe you will find one in the Book of Enoch.
Two guys and a dove? (Eventually they'll cook it)
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