• Yes I have I used to love them. I wish they'd bring them back.
  • I spent many a wonderful evening at the local passion pits. We had three in our town. I don't remember much about any of the movies.
  • Yes, they were very popular after WW2 and even into the late 50's early 60's. 6/1/24
  • 30 years ago they were all but dead when I was 18. The town I live in now only recently cleaned up the old drivin in site, it would of been 40 years ago it last showed a movie long before I ever came here. The other drive-ins I went to turned into housing estates 20 years ago. In the 90's picking a young lady up in a panelvan to take her to the drive-in resulted in her father sending me home your not taking my daughter anywhere son.

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