• ... you stubbornly refuse to have a bad day
    • Linda Joy
      I love it!
  • Linda Joy dances with DancesWithWolves to the T-berry shuffle.
    • Linda Joy
      Don't know the t-berry shuffle, but I like to dance and I'm a quick learner! Lets do it!
  • You know it's gonna be a great day when . . . it's sunny and no rain.
    • Linda Joy
      I prefer those days as well!
  • Early in the morning your house is surrounded by about 20 cop cars with lights flashing and they break into your home and point guns at you and cuff you and arrest you...and then you find out that they had the wrong address...
    • Linda Joy
      Sounds great! You can get your cardio without even exercising!
    • Professor Yaffle
      Not to mention a new front door & a bit of compensation for the wrongful arrest!
  • When I wake up in a GREAT mood!!! :)
    • Linda Joy
      We can choose that every day, but I suspect for you and I our pain level has a lot to do with that!
    • Majik-1
      I "choose" to be happy most days. Some days a GREAT mood is just a little harder to pull up!!! I had a stroke many years back & my mood swings aren't always under my control no matter how hard I try!!! Some days I "choose" to be happy until I can find my GREAT mood once again. I call it giving it my best shot until I actually defeat it. Still, waking up in a GREAT mood is the greatest feeling ever!!!
  • You wake up without any aches or pains.
  • You know its going to be a great day when Trump finally gets his comeuppance, Hint I don't mean found not guilty. YES!!!
    • 11stevo73
      Is Biden honest ? I cant work out you people out Trump isn't president your country is going down fast and you all bang on about Trump why?
  • I see a Red sky at night .
  • you find money in your pocket from something you have not worn in a long time

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