The first thing is to make an effort to stop them - which the Left is not doing. They need the illegals in America for a couple of reasons. 1) illegals who are paid to come to America will vote Democrat in the elections. 2) illegals who are allowed to come to America will vote illegally (this is why Democrats are in favor of IDs for everything under the sun except voting). 3) As long as unvaxxed illegals are coming into the country by the hundreds of thousands each month, the Left can keep their illegal mandates in force. It's all about the Democrats staying in power. They are trying to take American's freedom away. Dr. (cough-cough) Fauci scoffs at "freedom" when he prioritizes masking to "stop the pandemic". He justifies taking away people's freedom "to follow the science" - "science" that isn't even real. As long as the pandemic can keep going, he'll stay in power as the "doctor in charge" - and this is directly connected to the Left's failure to stop illegals from coming into the country.
Thanks for sharing your comment
Its interesting the Trumpanzees want unwanted babies in our country to burden poor mothers but not illegal aliens who pay sales tax and add 6Billion in consumer spending every year.>>And what about the offspring of illegals who are born here; especially those who become lawyers, doctors and other professionals - who start businesses and ADD to the number of available jobs. lol
Thanks for sharing with me -
Army Veteran
Yes, it's interesting how the government wants to kill American babies but welcomes illegal babies into the country. That sales tax you talked about? Where are they getting the money? It's part of the "entitlement package" that the Biden administration is doling out to illegals. Look up the word "illegal" and educate yourself. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
If you have a hundred dollar bill, do you check to see whether it come from somebody's welfare check or do you spend it?
Trump wanted to build a wall, if you recall. Another option is to send them back and make the country of origin pay for it. Especially if they are criminals before they get here. That country should have kept them in jail/prison. If they are sick they need to be quarantined and/or treated according to the disease and they should be made to pay for it. Illegals should not get any rights or entitlements in this country until they become citizens. And part of the process should be to pay their debts to the us taxpayers. And the children should be separated from their criminal parents. They should be taught its not ok to break the law. Especially if they get to stay. Those with green cards or in the process of becoming Americans should be welcomed and not treated like criminals. But they should not be entitled to American taxpayer money until they are citizens. If you disagree put it on your answer and don't troll my answer. I don't want to argue.
Thanks for sharing with me
A challenge to all of you Liberals who believe illegals should be allowed to vote in our elections: go to any other country in the world and demand that you be allowed to vote in their elections - then let me know how it works out for you.
Thanks for sharing with me
Nothing, just need to start kicking out all the Whites first as they are not working harder than the "illegals" clearly. Joking aside, no one is an illegal in America until proven so in a court of law. A lot of these people are just asylum seekers and within their rights to come and try their luck in America. You need to blame the stupid American constitution for setting the rules, not the immigrants willing to play it's game.
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Army Veteran
One thing about a Liberal - you can always count on them to make absolutely no sense. "Asylum seekers" are a political issue - the huge numbers of illegal immigrants don't know the first thing about politics, And the fact that they haven't applied for legal immigration makes them "illegal", so keep your "court of law" theory - it's worthless. They're not "within their rights" because they have no rights. You can't have rights until you become a citizen. Yes, you have to blame the American Constitution for setting the rules - this **IS** America, after all. They should be able to set their own rules - it's called **THE RULE OF LAW**.
Wall or no wall, illegal immigration cannot be stopped. US officials do not know how many tunnels there are at the border. Most Americans benefit from illegals anyway, so it is not a big deal. To the Americans who make it a big deal, what they should do is learn to live with them.
Thanks for sharing with me -
Army Veteran
Good - why don't you open your home to a family of illegals - and you support them. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, I have a family of 4 living in my household. We do rent a home that belongs to my grandpa who is in his mid-80's to a family of illegals. They pay rent in time, they keep the house clean and we don't have any problems with them. And that my friend is how we want to keep it.
- that REALLY "all she says"? And whether or not that is all she says...why does it matter what she says? As long as she's not President she has extremely limited power, mainly "emceeing" the Senate and voting in the (very rare) case of a tie. *** What should we do? Spend more money on immigration law enforcement. *** Now: the problem with that answer is that it is so vague that - even though it is likely to be effective - it could mean the wasting of millions or billions of dollars. *** What is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to put a halt to illegal immigration? MY GUESS: [1] more of the sort of changes I've seen in the last decade or two, involving stricter employment standards (for example: the I9 form, now required by employers for all employees). [2] More INS officials dedicated to identifying and capturing illegal immigrants. [3] More return of illegal immigrants with LESS RED TAPE (i.e. FASTER RETURN). Illegal immigrants should be returned to their home nation *without regard to appeals of asylum*. (There IS A LEGAL PROCESS for seeking and being granted asylum, and people who are seeking asylum SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO GET ASYLUM APPROVAL BEFORE ENTERING THE COUNTRY. Alternately: the process for seeking asylum should be streamlined so that an illegal immigrant who is an asylum-seeker is "in limbo" for no more than a week. If no approval of asylum status at the end of that week, then return them.) I'd like to see a maximum TWO DAY TURNAROUND from "verification" of illegal immigration status to return to nation of origin. I'd like to see a maximum of ONE WEEK turnaround from detention to determination of illegal immigration status. "Detention camps" should be NEXT DOOR TO AN AIRPORT and as soon as there are enough illegal immigrants from a particular nation to fill a jet, they should be loaded onto a jet and returned to their nation of origin. *** Now: all of that probably shows my ignorance of how many people can be "processed" in a regular workday...but if there ARE more people than can be processed, then we need to spend that money on increasing processing capabilities so that we can return illegal immigrants as fast or faster than they are arriving. *** I'd guess it costs a lot less for a judge and security officers to process a group of people in a single day than it costs to feed and house and secure that same group of people in a single day. The most important expenditure should be aimed at increasing the capacity for processing and returning illegal immigrants.
Yes I agree with you and thanks for sharing
trump had the best idea with the wall ..
Yes I agree with you -
Jenny The Great ⭐
pamela, but Obama didn't need a wall. He deported more immigrants than any other US President. -
Jenny but ya gotta catch em first..lots of work to be had on horse back etc etc trying to find them ..a wall makes it easier ..anyways im not in america , its just my opinion lol
Free ride back to where they came from, and make it impossible for them to EVER become a legal US citizen. Tell Mexico, if they want to maintain trade relations, they need to once again block the caravans coming up from Central America.
Yes, as long as the Immigrants keep coming the COVID will get worst
not offering them $450,000 for losing a child for starters.
Yeah I hear you
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