What's "racist" about it? Which culture does it discriminate against? People are too quick to use the word "racist" for things that aren't even associated with race or culture. It has created a mindset that promotes hate based on skin color. Please refrain from using controversial terms in a non-specific context that are damaging to society.
Menthol is for the Minority Race -
Army Veteran
Your reference to the minority race is more racist than your question - it's stereotyping. I smoked menthol when I was younger and I'm not a person of color. Some people smoke menthol when they have a sore throat because it's less harsh. -
Linda Joy
Yeah, and which minority race? Native Americans are the smallest minority with Asians coming in second and there are more hispanics than blacks. But that's just in the US. In Africa blacks are not the minority. -
Army Veteran
"Which" minority race is obvious. Oddly enough, "stereotyping" is rooted in fact - it becomes politically incorrect when the "facts" paint a less-than-complimentary picture of the particular group's habits. In the 1970s, the cigarette of choice for blacks was "KOOL" - which I too indulged in before I lost my menthol craving. -
Linda Joy
Its not obvious to me. -
Army Veteran
You don't spend enough time outside. When the mention of a "minority race" is made, how often does it pertain to Native Americans and Asians? Is there a "Native American Lives Matter" group that I've never heard of? You live in Alabama - in the heart of "minority" country and you want to play the "politically correct" game where the obvious doesn't show up on your radar?
The flavors attract children and teens.
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It's not racist...because "menthol" isn't a race.
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I have seen smokers from all ethnic groups smoking menthol cigarettes. I don't think they are exclusively used by any ethnic group. 7/13/22
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