People like me in the UK are always distressed by the number of people killed by guns in America,but don't suppose it will ever change.
Yes, I agree with you ..Thanks for the input :) -
"but don't suppose it will ever change." You're right, it won't. Christian gun nuts want this country flooded with guns, and with that, you get all the shootings. The math is REALLY Simple.
It is a sign that is also in so much else, that so very much is so overly neglected and not taken care of even with a committee earning money to keep an eye on it. Guns, Kids, water systems, It's all neglected.
Thanks for your input :)
thats wicked
Thanks for your input :)
California. Put too many rats in one cage, and they'll kill each other. Well, you asked.
Thanks for your input :)
Tired of hearing about it.
Thanks for your input :)
Probably thugs and gangbangers shooting at each other again.
Thanks for your input :)
Right now, I am more worried about the 90 people found crammed in a house for slave trade.
Thanks for your input :)
I always find it amusing that in countries where guns are hard to find, knives are not....but of course the libtards prefer not to examine that, because only gun deaths advance their leftist agenda. You betcha, no mention of ever increasingly restrictive knife laws in Europe or Asian countries to curtail stabbing deaths.
Thanks for your info
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