They'll probably add it after everyone leaves.
It would be nice if we could message each other on here
It should have installed one by now. It's been going long enough.
I hope so. Why hasn't it got one yet?
No they are not.😐
Why not? -
not enough people here.
What do you think? Why don't you just use email? That's what its for.
How do I get the email for the site's admin? -
Linda Joy
Ask Jenny Rizo. I think I already told you I use the Answerbag staff category when I want to communicate with them. They seldom answer but do address the issue sometimes.
Hi BB, Glad to see you again. I saw your comment but lost the thread. Not sure why. Anyways, I am still above ground. Just checking AB and glad to see some familiar names.
i think that would be a good idea and good feature.
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