I don't know any of them entirely. I can carry on a conversation in three or four, maybe six or eight if it's just about the weather or how good the food is. I only use two on any sort of regular basis, though.
Unfortunately, I do not know any language other than my mother tongue, but I understand English to some extent. But not too much and I have to work harder. Of course, now that all the training is online, there are online language classes in Chechilas and you can participate.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Things I find mildly amusing: People that explain, in perfect English, in detail, that they don't speak any English. -
Linda Joy
I find your observation amusing. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Your amusement at my amusement is amusing.
I'm taking spanish in the Spring at the local community college. I plan on taking all of their language classes including french and german.
Linda Joy
I 'bout fell off my chair when I saw you answered a question! Yay! You go dude!
I know some archaic computer languages. Other than that only English. I know a few words in other languages, and a lot of our language was borrowed from other languages anyway. I can speak some words in Spanish that relate to the restaurant industry, but I can't communicate effectively with someone that speaks no English. I can get the gist through translation sites. I would like to learn more foreign languages including sign. And I'd like to learn more current computer languages as well.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Ever tried programming in Chicken? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"Per favore, limpiar esta mesa" (please clean this table) was the first useful phrase I learned in Spanish. It was a heck of a lot more useful than "Mi aerodeslizador esta lleno de anguilas" (my hovercraft is filled with eels). -
Linda Joy
No. COBOL, RPG, Basic, DBase, Lotus 123... I learned how to ask do you want a meal or just chicken and bread/biscuit. And suggest potatoes and slaw to go with it if they asked for a meal. And when I worked at Hardees Paul told me they don't eat peach cobbler and it takes a whole sentence to say it. haha. I had to buy a Spanish - English dictionary to learn what "aqui" meant. Fortunately Crispy and Original are fairly the same in English. But back then I didn't have access to translation online.
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