My dogs get along well with cats. As for vice versa: do cats get along with any other animal, vegetable, or mineral? They seem to either hate, tolerate, or try to murder everything.
Cry me a River
Speaking from my experience..cats are much easier to get along with than dogs. Alot of dogs are stuck up; -
Cry me a River
Or they have a stick up their butt.. -
Boola Boo
hahahahaha, cats can be very pickey about who they hang with.
dont have pets
Boola Boo
Awwww, well you don't have to worry about such things then.
I've always had cats & dogs at the same time & they are besties. My dogs always tried to protect the cats.
no thats why Im not getting another dog the last dog I had for 15 years hated all other aminals. I could never get it out of him
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