• Whichever one they have in stock.
  • The chicken so it can sit on the egg when it arrives. DUH! :P
  • The chicken was hatched with all its ova, otherwise it would have been an awfully lumpy chick. As to Amazon, did you order the Perdue or Tyson?
    • Linda Joy
      Name brand?!! Are you crazy?!! You're talking to the queen of cheap! I get the leg quarters from Walmart when I actually buy chicken. But lately I've been using soy and whey protein shake in the form of hot chocolate (sometimes with coffee - I'm a bad mormon) Its cheaper, less cholesterol, quicker to fix, stores well without refrigeration and its way lighter which matters when you have bursitis.
  • you'll just have to wait and see
  • The delivery package in which they're contained.
    • Linda Joy
      lol you make it sound like the package will arrive before the contents.
  • If being surprised means your expectations are unmet, I would suggest you track your packages to see which one will come first.
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah, right! They told me my package was delivered last Thursday and I still haven't seen it!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Sometimes the carriers fail to scan a package despite the fact that a tracking number was added. Not often does it happen. What happens often, porch pirates is a growing problem. Maybe someone ran off with your package. lol
  • Where I live, Amazon delivers the same day within hours.

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