• If you listen to mainstream media and see how they took his words out of context, you'll see it is all about being anti-Trump. They've painted him as a one-dimensional character for well over a year now. They want you to believe he's a racist bigot and so on that the left paint anyone who doesn't agree with them, so they're willing to edit or misconstrue his words to make you believe it. The left's foolish for defending the scum of earth, but, that's fine. There will be no blue wave and thank god for their constant whining and crying because those in the center are leaning right thanks to their claims and actions. Especially hillary on her, "I lost 'cause everyone else but me." Tour.
    • Hardcore Conservative
      I agree 100%. They're so anti-Trump that they will do anything to show you that he's bad.
    • Willy D Billiams
      Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
    • Willy D Billiams
      How crazy is the left? The post crap like this:
  • It's like the old clichΓ© of cutting off your nose to spite your face. They will stoop low enough to defend savage gangs to spite Trump. They're insane and evil.
  • Imagine the poor children left without a Dad to raise them if they're jailed.
    • ReiSan
      They deserve jail. You cannot excuse them.
  • The left is insane and destructive. They will do anything to oppose the president, even supporting evil gangs. That just shows how insane they are. They belong in mental hospitals.
  • No one is defending them. Trump and the right are trying to shoehorn them into an image in order to beat the Latino communities with. Hitler did the same thing in parading Jewish murderers and claiming they were an accurate representation of all Jews. Such dog whistle politics is why Trump and the right are so dangerous to democracy today. They're simply using the rhetoric of back then, and trying to make it all new today.
    • ReiSan
      Yes, even you defend them to spite the president. The left is dangerous to the USA.
    • Archie Bunker
      Then why would the progressives come out and chastise Trump for calling MS13 a bunch of animals? Explain that, please.

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