There would be [ My best Elvis voice] ..."Whole lot of shakin' goin' on ", probably some bubbles too.
The bubbles was me ......sorry. -
Ice man
I used to know a stripper that went by that name too. -
Been to only one strip club in my life. I was driving myself and didn't want alcohol. When I asked for if they had any soft drinks the topless waitress laughed in my face loud enough to draw everyones attention. I immediately walked out and will never go into another one again. -
Ice man
Good thinking ... have them come to you....
If it's flexible and light, it would jiggle.
Too light and it would float away.
If I were to build an underwater hotel it would definitely have provisions in place to withstand an earthquake! We have flexible plastics nowadays that are very strong!
Plexi-glass. -
Linda Joy
"Weight for weight, silica nanowires are 15 times stronger than high strength steel and 10 times stronger than conventional GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic)" -
You know to much and must be silenced.....(kidding) -
Linda Joy
I can suggest a few ways to stop my mouth!!! But we'd have to take it pm. ; ) -
Mr Big says Hello -
Linda Joy
That's one strategy.
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