• I use (and love) ZoneAlarm. The basic version is available for free at I've used an older version of ZoneAlarm Pro and currently run the latest free version, and I find the free version to be just as good for what I use it for. (Controlling which apps access the network)
  • McAfee
  • On Aug 8, 2004 I said ZoneAlarms free, on Dec. 30th 2006 I STILL use zone alarms. The value provided to a home user by the free product makes me wonder why anyone who knows about it would use anything else! Computer associates has even incorporated the firewall into their internet security product. The last McAfee product I saw came pre-installed, with a 3-year license bought-and-paid-for. The software NEVER EVEN WORKED. Still waiting for satisfaction from the company. When I see McAfee I rip it out by the roots. Norton has changed focus from actually protecting your machine to making sure you have a license for their product before you can do a thing with your own computer. And the performance hit is terrible. It's just OK once you get it running.
  • Zonealarm
  • The firewall built into Windows XP (service pack 2) isn't bad. It's weakness is primarily that it doesn't filter for connections trying to be made from outside. But this is easily solved if you own a Cable/DSL router, as these have a firewall in them that does the exact opposite. They only filter for connections trying to be made from outside. If that isn't good enough for you, Zone Alarm gets many nods from many people. And it's free. Filseclab Personal Firewall isn't half bad either.
  • BlackICE
  • I use Norton Internet Security (Professional Edition) and have never had any trouble with it. Zone Alarm caused major problems with my work machine and I had to completely uninstall it. It could well have been my fault; I do tend to tweak everything I can possibly fiddle with. ^_^;;
  • I like Comodo but ZoneAlarm I use to use as well. I just forgot about it until recently Oh well I have comodo setup for my network so no need to change now.
  • 75 and sunshine.
  • beautiful warm sunny day, then a thundering night
  • A beautifully sunny day on a deserted white sandy beach with the gentlest of breezes and on;y tiny white fluffy clouds......followed by a wild stormy evening with dramatic fork lightning and overhead thunder.....
  • Partly cloudy 72ΒΊ (f) light wind
  • About 75ΒΊF slight breeze and sunny.
  • 75, partly cloudy with a slight breeze.
  • A day in winter
  • A cool morning, about 67 degrees, the sun rising in a firey red-orange burst over the horizon. A slight breeze. Slowly warming to about 75 degrees at noon, mostly sunny. A beautiful afternoon of that followed by thunderstorms in the evening, about 9 oclock pm. An hour of that and then clearing out over night to restart the process.
  • 77f Sunny with a slight breeze.....that way the Aircon can come on!
  • AB and its members definitely! You are one of them :-)
  • You probably would if I would meet you in person. It would be very interesting and I would enjoy the experience trying to link you to my mind picture of you.
  • Yes, I have been. When I was 21 I got arrested for a DUI even though I only blew a point 07. The charges were eventually dropped.
  • Yes but it was an accident when I stabbed him in the butt. Honest!!!!!!!... Charges were dropped. Ò˜º
  • Yes, and I have no idea who took all my clothes off and replaced them with this loin cloth. I'm innocent I tell you!
  • No I never was arrested. Fingers crossed ....hope I never am. :)
  • I had an FTA and when stopped for speeding I was arrested. Had to spend the night in the poky and was not delighted.
  • I work as a dental assistant/ secretary in Manhattan, NY. I went back to work full time a couple of years ago and was a stay at home mom until my daughter was a junior in college. It's so nice to be back in the workforce again, but I sure miss having my sweet girl to take care of. Time flies!! What do YOU do for a living, 08?
  • I sell analytic software and consulting to banks and financial institutions.
  • I am self employed, running two small businesses from my home ... check my profile for details ...
  • Courier for Federal Express :)
  • Nuclear Engineer at a Naval Shipyard.
  • I am an administrative assistant. Exciting, I know.
  • If you want it to be, yes. If you just let life take it's course, most likely not.
  • It gets easier in some ways and harder in others. I suppose each age has it's good points and bad points.
  • There are advantages and disadvantages. Depending on how "old" you are. Finances often improve when the kids are out of the nest. Aches and pains that accompany getting older show themselves. There is good and not-as-good with every age. There is that lucky spot after the kids are on their own and before aches and pains set in that is the sweet spot.
  • I dont know if you can call it easier... but I think you understand the world and how life works so when things go wrong its just easier to cope.
  • No, we have more problems as we grow older. The best time is when we are young as we would have less responsibility. As we grow older, we have to work hard for the family and kids. And we would have more health problems when we are older.
  • NO issues become more complex and more people depend on you. You are required to be like a rock emotionally and make the right decisions all the time. You are also expected to make more money and work at keeping your health while you are losing it. So aging sucks from every angle. The only thing that gets better is sex, that is if you have time for it and can find a good partner.
  • I'm currently working in manufacturing for a company that produces profile parts for various customers in the manufacture of earth moving equipment, diggers, dozers etc for the mining and construction industries! :-/
  • Does it? or do you give less of a damn..
  • Lets see...I have less money..have to live on less money, my authritis hurts more and joints swell more and fingers lock up, my cataracs are going to have to be fixed pretty soon, my teeth are wearing out, I am getting hard of hearing, I am getting blad, the plumbing doesn't work as well, I am having to use Cialis and Viagra more often, Younger girls (under 55) aren't interested in dating you and most of the older ones aren't worth the effort. Yeah, I guess it does get easier the older you become! People don't expect as much from you!
  • It gets easier in some ways & harder in others. A friend of mine's mom told me the other day that "getting old is not for wienies"!
  • I can't say that life is ever "easy" but it keeps coming whether you are ready or not.
  • This is from my Blog...Hope it's not too long. As we age, life has a way of catching up on you. We suddenly become aware of the fact that we are not as young as we use to be by realizing some simple things are harder to do. We get a rude wake up call when our eyes need stronger glasses and our bones crackle when we get up from sitting. Weak eyes and cracking bones remind us of our mortality and that youth doesn't lasts forever. I could never see myself sixty years old as a young boy still in school. At that age I thought that thirty was old. Now that I β€˜m almost sixty, folks thirty year old are spring chickens. I heard someone say once that when you get passed the age of Fifty; You’re over the hill, which is simply a nice way to say--- you’re old. Well, if that is true, I'm over the hill and sliding down the other side on greased glass. It was a good climb to the top of the Hill, only pausing to reflect in retrospect of my journey and giving thanks that I reached this pinnacle of my life as apposed to the alternative. As I press onward to the next decade of my life, I will search for ways to extending my days naturally by maintaining salubrious persuasions. Everyone wants to stay young as long as we can but it is vanity to try to hold back the hands of time and sustain our youthful looks. Holding onto youth is futile. Yes, we can get those Botox shots and use cleansing cream and tons of make-up. We are all still old no matter how many Botox shots you take. I was in the Mall once and they had a shop dedicated to the β€˜Over the Hill’ folks. It was full of gage gifts and some were not too flattering, and some were X-rated. I did not see the humor in giving gag gifts for old folks, even when I was young. Those young folks that bash old folks and make fun of them need to be reminded that they themselves will be in our place someday. They will be the ones that are getting the over the hill gage gifts from their younger friends. Please if you want to celebrate my Birthday don't buy me one of these over the hill gag gifts. Just buy me a card that's congratulating me for arriving over the Hill with most of my body parts intact and still working.
  • Not so much easier as better prepared for the tride and tribulations it will innevitably contain throughout your life.
  • no - it gets f****ing harder!!! :D
  • For me life has become easier, not because I'm older, but because I'm wiser.
  • You've heard it all. So folks become incredibly easy to predict. You can tell what crap folks are gonna pull ahead of time. But life in general? Nah. The same old same old gets damned tiresome.
  • i'm just 15 but you'll probably learn more by then. :)
  • Let's put it this way, since you heard most of the what happens as you get older. When you're young, you're may look down the road and wonder what you’ll be doing in thirty years. When you get older, you thing weeks, month maybe a year or two, maybe tomorrow. When younger, you and the boys or girls talk about hunting, babies, kids starting school. When older, your main topic will about knee or hip replacement, new pair of choppers, type of medication you're taking, moaning about asks and pains. That's the difference lol
  • Not really. It was a lot easier playing in mud and eating glue than it is trying to hold a stressful job while pregnant and hormonal.
  • Not really, because childhood is one of the eaiest things you will experiance, but now teachers are setting more and more homework and taking away childrens childhood, so on one hand yes and on the other no.
  • Maybe some things - tie my own shoes, toliet training helped, dressing myself, ect. Some may be harder - paying the pay, acting mature, not smacking someone when I would like, ect.
  • Not at all. The problems get harder and decisions are far more pressing. However, I find it easier to deal with life and all its challenges better when I have more control over the outcome. When I was younger and had little control over what went on in my life, it was more frustrating. Now when shit happens to and around me, I can pinpoint how certain decisions led me there and I can learn from them. So, not easier but easier to deal with. Also you have more money as you get older.
  • Not at all. The problems get harder and decisions are far more pressing. However, I find it easier to deal with life and all its challenges better when I have more control over the outcome. When I was younger and had little control over what went on in my life, it was more frustrating. Now when shit happens to and around me, I can pinpoint how certain decisions led me there and I can learn from them. So, not easier but easier to deal with. Also I have more money as I get older.
  • Some decisions become easier but not all
  • Not necessarily easier, but I think you learn how to take things in stride and keep on going.
  • I'm in the over sixty set. Some aspects get easier because it gets easier to tell when someone is bull shitting you. You don't have to run errands with the kid. When I get tired, I can give the grand children back to their parents. I have learned to be nicer to people so there are fewer conflicts. My job is better because I'm the experienced old guy instead of the smart-ass kid. My marriage is better because I've learned just to do what she says so there are fewer arguments. I don't have many more medicines than when I was younger and I can afford a better bicycle.
  • yes it is a nice way to show affection
  • sometimes I do other times it bothers me
  • Very much.
  • Yes..all the time when I'm with my gf shopping around at the mall.
  • Only if you like interdigital pressure from a masculine source....and only if you are female in gender.
  • not with strangers
  • guess not. but time runs faster
  • I'd like to see a tattoo across the forehead of every Republican- "Stupid! I voted for Bu$h!"

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