Finance β†’ Lottery
  • The ASPCA.
  • Every single anti-Disney organization. The Walt Disney Company has child slaves in Haiti that make most of their products, mostly T-shirts. Also, The Walt Disney Company has bought many companies around the world, which makes it seem possible that Disney is trying to take over the world. Also, they have fooled countless children around the world inot supporting them. Also, The Walt Disney Company is trying to make recording things on video or DVD from your TV illegal. Disney is also trying to make a law which makes people have to pay every time they watch a DVD or listen to a CD that the consumer legally purchased. How would you like to have to pay just to listen to a CD? It's bad. The anti-Disney organizations aren't doing very well at bringing Disney down, but with enough money, they could probably do it and we can all be happy again.
  • I assume this would be the tax due to the government and since the government is pretty bad I will tell you my charity. As an American, I would divvy up the tax amount to veterans and families of the Gulf War, and the one that provides homes for impoverished families that try to make ends meet but just can't.
  • St Judes Childrens Hospital.They have cured many children of all types of cancers,though sad to say they have'nt been able to save them all.They try their best.
  • I would give a lot to my church and then I would donate to any animal shelters or animal Rescues like NEw Hope Pet Rescue in my home town!!
  • The main charity would be one that helps abused women and children. And, a huge chunk, (more than the customary 10%), would go to my church, because I know where every single dollar is going. We publish the records monthly for all our members, and post them on our main bulletin board in the entry foyer.
  • I would donate nearly all of it to a charity called the "Make a wish foundation". They grant the most cherished wishes of kids who have a life threatening illness come true. If there was something they wanted or wanted to do, the make a wish foundation would help them achieve it. This is the story of the first wish granted to a patient. "The Make-A-Wish Foundation traces its beginning to one boy’s wish. In 1980, 7-year-old Chris Greicius was being treated for leukemia. Every day, he dreamed of becoming a police officer. U.S. Customs Officer Tommy Austin had befriended Chris and his mother, Linda Bergendahl-Pauling. He also promised Chris a ride in a police helicopter. When Chris’ health worsened, Austin contacted Ron Cox, an Arizona Department of Public Safety officer, and planned a day that would lift Chris’ spirits. On April 29, 1980, Austin and a caring group of DPS personnel started Chris’ day with a tour of the city in a department helicopter, which also flew him to headquarters. Three cruisers and a motorcycle officer greeted him before his meeting with the DPS command staff. There, Chris was sworn in as the first honorary DPS patrolman in state history. But his experience didn’t stop there. Cox contacted John’s Uniforms, which agreed to make a custom-tailored DPS uniform for Chris. The store owner and two seamstresses worked through the night to finish it. The officers presented the official uniform to Chris on May 1 and arranged a motorcycle proficiency test so he could earn wings to pin on his uniform. Needless to say, Chris passed the test with flying colors on his battery-operated motorcycle. On May 2, Chris was back in the hospital. He asked to arrange the room so he could always see his uniform, his motorcycle helmet and his β€œSmokey Bear”-style campaign hat. DPS motor officer Frank Shankwitz presented Chris with his motorcycle wings. He accepted them with a smile that lit up the room. The following day, Chris passed away, but not before seeing his dream come true and experiencing the hope, strength and joy that came from receiving his wish." I think young boys and girls that suffer from the effects of a terminal illness should have the chance to live their life's dream, before they die. This is why i choose the make a wish foundation.
  • My charities would be named 'family' and 'friends'. I am the youngest of 9, and all of them have families of their own. And I have many friends online, as well as IRL, that could use a boost.
  • The Heart and Stroke foundation and Cancer research.
  • I would give it to Project ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) It is more commonly known as Lou Gherrigs disease. This disease slowly and completely paralyzes people without harming their mind at all. With all our technology we don’t even yet know what causes it or why people get it and no demographic group is unaffected. Some of the most promising research to end this disease is stem cell research which was all but totally stopped by the current presidential administration.
  • tomy premature baby fund the blind and cancer research id give some to each as apart from th blind i have been affected either myself or someone i know has by these.
  • I would form a fund to help all of the children here in the USA!! There are so many funds that are helping children outside of our country. Yes, our children are getting help too.....but not enough. We need better education, more nurturing, less neglect, and better overall care for our people and children here!
  • I'd share the donation between two charitys, they'd have to be animal charitys because i have a soft heart when it comes to animals! especially dogs!
  • I think I would have to split that between Sistercare, a shelter for abused and battered women and children in my hometown, and the ASPCA, for the wonderful work they do that seems to so often go unappreciated.
  • The leukemia and lymphoma society, I would probably also make a large donation to various mental health agencies as well.
  • animal shelter and cancer research. Maybe a charity for researching schizophrenia and other similar mental illnesses
  • One that helps single parents with children. There is one in my area that does this, but the don't just supply a place for them to live. They educate the parent in the area of computers, budgeting and jobs, which help them better their skill sets and eventually get back on their feet, without the help of others.
  • The church, anyone carrying out the great commission.
  • I would donate it to me.
  • St.Judes Children Fund or Hospice.
  • Alzheimer's research
  • homeless.
  • I don't remember the name of it, but it's an organization in Cambodia that helps shelter girls who were forced into prostitution.
  • AIDS research or sumnthn 4 Darfur.
  • City Union Mission. In my home town.
  • I would start my own charity for abused children.
  • Definitely the Autism Society
  • the hood
  • Probably 10-15 universities that are almost up to snuff as famous research centers but just don't have the clout of the massively endowed places like the Ivies. I'd allocate the money to disease research. Places like Harvard, $36bn?, already have all the money they need and there are places with equally good, or almost as good, scientists who are constricted by finances. I have a few pet causes too.
  • SPCA and PETA...I dig animals
  • The USO. Our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines need our support, despite what you think of what they're doing over there...
  • Nuts to charity! I'd give a large donation to a good family in financial trouble. Enough to pay off their debts, put their kids through college, put a down payment on a house and have nest egg they might invest and retire with. Enough to pull them out of despair and give them the tools to thrive on their own, without the constant stresses that poverty produces that tend to destroy homes. I reject the overhead that a charity produces. I would help a family directly and actually change the world for the better.
  • The SPCA
  • I would establish a charitable foundation which would invest the funds and use the earnings to make donations to charitable causes for generations to come.
  • There are no rules for "best" charity. Just donate to a cause that is closest to your heart. I donate to charities that help young people because on of my cousins committed suicide in his teens out of depression so something like this is very close to me
  • My Church.
  • My local hospice they do great work.
  • Make a Wish Foundation and the Humane Society
  • I would actually like to open my own charity to continue research on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - the only one I know of is not really doing anything from what I read about them.
  • Probably to my companies charity, Haven's Heart. They provide care to children who are sick but don't qualify for hospice or home health.
  • The American Breast Cancer Foundation. Having lost several relatives and dear friends to this type of Cancer, It has hit close to home for me.
  • I would give a large donation to the Methuselah Foundation. I already donate $1000 a year to them. You can find them on the web at: They are funding research into how to extend the healthy human lifespan, and limit the damage done by aging. Since most of the modern world's biggest and most costly killers are generally the direct or indirect result of aging (heart disease, many cancers, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's), doing everything we can to retard or reverge the damage of aging, so people can be younger and healthier longer, makes the most sense in terms of helping people avoid pain, degenerative disease, and premature death, but also in terms of reducing the economic cost to society. Funding the research this organization does is funding research into preventing many diseases combined, and improving the quality of our lives as we get older, whilst benefiting society as a whole. There isn't a charity like it.
  • Me, I am my favorite charity!
  • I will pick to charities the first one will be for the kids cancer foundation and HIV
  • Soup kitchens, food pantries and fuel assistance groups in my state.
  • anything related to Cancer
  • A not often heard of research Tinnitus. Has a nice ring to it.
  • The bank of My Mother because without the staff there going so far out of their way to help, feed , and cloth me I know I would not be where I am today...Besides I still owe them for bail :)
  • I've always thought that if I had a lot of money, I'd like to create a scholarship fund for women who want to become religious leaders- rabbis, ministers etc.
  • air ambulance. those guys deserve any donation
  • Animal shelter.
  • none id put my money into making a foyer for homless people
  • St Judes Childrens Hospital
  • My Husband has heart disease so I would give to The Heart And Stroke Foundation to help find a cure.My second charity would be Alheimers Research to help those that are stricken with that terrible disease.I would also give to the SPCA, to those that can't help themselves.
  • My church would get 10% and then an assortment of charities would bet 1% each of my winnings. Friends and family would also get money.
  • Either British Heart Foundation or Cancer Research because they effect millions of people. Alternatively something to do with protecting kids from abuse and such like.
  • Heart and Stroke foundation, heart disease runs in my family so that would be veryy important to me nd St John Ambulance cause i volunteer there
  • I've always believed in helping living things who can't fight for themselves, and talk to defend themselves: animals. I would love to donate money to a charity that takes care of abused animals: "The aims of Animal Samaritans are to rescue, provide care and shelter for unwanted, abandoned, neglected or ill-treated animals and to provide new homes for them wherever possible. To assist owners of pets to meet veterinary fees where owners are unable to meet such fees themselves."
  • Unicef (Unite for Children)
  • World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA).
  • Probably an animal welfare society
  • St. Jude Hospital. Then I would open a no kill animal shelter in my county..we don't have a shelter of any kind and people are always throwing away animals. Most of them seem to end up at my house.
  • Today I would give to the wspa animal rescue - Currently they have a campaign to save bears in bear parks in Japan. These bears and other animals live in fear, mental torment and neglect. There are hundreds of bears like held in misery in eight Bear Parks across Japan. Intelligent, inquisitive and solitary animals denied all that is natural and condemned to spend their lives in barren concrete pits with no shelter and no shade, in temperatures that can reach over 38Β°C. Forced to perform and beg for their food, many of the bears are suffering from terrible untreated injuries from fights caused by their unnatural confinement together and simple need to get something to eat. if you care about these beautiful creatures - even if you didn't win the lottery - please donate here:
  • The United States Government... at least a third of it.
  • id give to my broke arse family fund, before sending a dollar over seas.
  • I'd wind up donating to the disabled veterans, the shriners, and some animal shelters as well as some local homeless shelters or even open my own homeless shelter that not only houses the homeless but tries to help them with either job services or rehab services. There are so many good charities that narrowing down your giving is always difficult.
  • ones that contribute meaningfully to: cancer, diabetes, aids and katrina
  • I would give to the foster care system, somehow, because they need major help. I would give also to homeless shelters, and if I won enough I would make my own charity. I would go buy a million dollars worth of $10,000 cars, and give them to poor single mothers. Because I have been unable to take my son (he is 3 and has a brain tumor) to the doctor, because of lack of transportation. :) Hope I win soon!!!
  • Malaria No More & charity:water
  • The Red Cross
  • Army Emergency Relief. They help soldiers and veterans who need a bit of temporary help to get back on their feet. They saved my chesnuts when I was so far down I couldn't see daylight.
  • 1. Make a wish foundation 2. Childrens Memorial Hospital 3. ASPCA Those are three charitys that are near and deer to my heart
  • World Wildlife Fund (I'm an animal lover); St. Jude's (for the children) and Make-A-Wish (for the children) My largest may go to the Susan Komen foundation for breast cancer research because I am getting tested to see if I have breast cancer and 4 aunts and my maternal grandmother have all been diagnosed with it at various stages. We can find a cure.
  • Action Against Hunger!
  • I always make a donation to the American Dental Association before going to the dentist for the best dental care! Look for the word Foundation and then Donate.
  • I would give the money to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) to keep from being hit by a car!
  • I dont think I would give much to an orginazation although I do believe in them, I know that most of the money goes to some CEo so i would never donate in the large numbers as I already support them on small scales now. I think I would find some worthy human being, and give it to them directly. Like donating my home and car to a single mom in a work program or something like that? Or traveling to another country and finding someone worthy and maybe in school or something and pay for their education?
  • Try the way side soup kitchen.
  • autism society of america (for my granddaughter)
  • Amnesty International or Amnesty USA are both good choices. (or) This organization deals with human rights violations.
  • Salvation Army.
  • Any charity who takes care of the needs of people in third world countries and doesn't keep any of the money for themselves.
  • Chase Manhattan Bank, my mortgage company
  • The LaPorte County, Indiana Meals On Wheels Program. These folks work their butts off to keep the elderly and infirm fed and cared for. They go way beyond just providing meals. They are like a neighborhood watch for seniors.
  • Rauch Inc. They help people with disabilities and visit family's who are at high risk for child abuse to teach or give respite to parents. It is a wonderful charity with many diverse departments.
  • Probably ALF.
  • The San Francisco Zoo, I love that place. I can spend hours there just walking around and watching people act dumb.
  • My own charity.I have a lot of things to do with that money.Being a spiritualist I would be using it for the good of the mankind only.I do not take anything for personal gains.
  • some children's charity and some to the disabled american veterans fund.
  • I would start my own charity for deserving people who normally wouldn't qualify for aid from other charities. I'm thinking of the ordinary people who work hard but need a break just to break free them from the cycle of debt they're in. I would consider giving some to reputable charities that help the very poor with food and education. Some churches do this.
  • The Pete Coors Foundation....
  • i would give away at least half of a substantial winnings. Part of it would go to the aspca and the local horse rescues like indiana horse rescue. Part of it i would try to give to local families, and st judes childrens hospital.
  • Doctors Without Borders.
  • Homeless organizations :)
  • Anything to do with Autism probably.
  • generally people says that i will donate to the cancer patient, poor people ,parentless childrens but today our country most required thing is to protect our i would like to donate to improve the indian security system. and i would also like to donate money to those people who are corrupted people from the is the best way to realiz them what wrong they are doing.

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