Adult β†’ Erotic Body β†’ Orgasm
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  • Well, it's a bit of different thing between genders, not to mention the fact that there's different <Cough> anatomy involved. For a male to give the same reaction as a female, or vice verse, would be rather... Impossible, wouldn't it? I mean, they're not exactly equipped for it.
  • I'm not speaking for all men and women but my husband does not just go to sleep. He wants to cuddle a bit and we talk together. Then we both fall asleep together. It's not over when it's over, you might say :-)
  • I think it actually varies for different people. I'm a woman, and I'm tired after having orgasms.
  • Well for starters men use more energy with the thrusting. Also, men mainly can only cum when hard, i.e. once. Women can cum god knows how many times, it's a completely different experience.

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