No, it is a punishment.
Many people think its fair, but the way I see it killing anyone is wrong. I think letting them rot in prison for the rest of their lives is a more fitting punishment.
We kill killers not only to punish them, but also to try and give the families of victims some kind of closure. If you kill someone, the least you owe is your life. Plus, if you believe in such things, they get to start their eternal stay in hell a lot sooner.
The logic behind those actions is that we value life so much that if you kill someone we will take something as equally as valuable...and it is your own life because nothing compares to the value of life. It is a complex and hard to understand reasoning process....
It' not to show them that it was wrong, they already know that or they wouldn't have been tried as sane. Or as a deterant, because that doesn't work. We do it to punish them. Remember and eye for an eye. A life for a life. And the same goes for rapist and child molesters, their crimes are the most violent that the victem survives. To let them live in comfort with three square meals, clothing, medical care, and education is an affront to those that they wronged both living and dead. And I'll be damned if I'm paying to take care of them for the next 40 years.
To show that we won't have tolerance for adults who terrorize and painfully kill not only men but women and children. In Richmond, Virginia. 2 adults walked into a home (door unlocked) on New Years day to rob a family. They tied them up which included 2 little girls. They cut their throats, hit them in the heads with a hammer and then lit their bodys on fire to conceal evidence. I can't imagine the pain these people went through. So yes--I don't have a problem with the death penalty. Or better yet. Send them over to Iraq to clear the insurgents out of the houses---I'd be ok with that too.
they all just killed humanity ( the little that was left)
I also think it is wrong. I feel you cannot condemn killing but then carry it out as a punishment. I fail to see any strong moral reasoning for capital punishment but many people do and as long as this is the case it will not be banned.
well if you thought you were going to die for killing some one you might think twice right and if you didn't think twice then you are a little messed up in the head and doing society no good any ways.
I've never understood the logic of killing someone that has killed someone else. I've yet to hear from any family members that say they the killing of the "killer" has lessen their loss. I understand the hatred and overwhelming desire for revenge but it serves no emotion or justicial purpose. The only thing it does is lower the monetary cost for penalizing the perpetrator.
I too believe its wrong and quite ironic. What if the person is innocent is my greatest concern. Capital punishment should not be a device of a progressive country.
It is an outdated and outmoded process and solves nothing.Being a first world nation,you would think this sort of practice would be outlawed.It is mean and inhuman.
Killing them, is just relief for everyone else, after they're dead, they don't suffer from their actions.
It's pure vengeance. It's widely known now that the death penalty isn't a deterrent but it's a very American attitiude that someone has to pay. There are plenty of people who will spend the better part of their life on death row and we're safe from them; they won't kill agian and they won't be paroled. Killing them isn't about keeping us safe; it's about revenge. I would hope a society can become enlightened enough not to apply the child's argument of "he did it first" to justify taking a life. I know I wouldn't want my legacy to be that another human was destroyed to pay for my life.
I ask myself that all the time. What I think it is, is that, people who have been hurt by them need a sense of revenge but in a legal way.
I don't think it's to PROVE anything. It's to keep them from killing again. The only FULL proof way is to well...kill them. Are you not happy that Saddam got justice in that way?
Two wrongs don't make a right. Or a left.
huh?????? I dont understand the question.
It's not to prove anything but to punish the perpetrator of an unpardonable crime and to rid society of that individual. Interesting is the lack of understanding of many individuals as to the purpose of the penal system which is to punish. Rehabilitation is a secondary function in which not all are deemed worthy.
We don't have capital punishment in Australia, we haven't for years. We let them rot in prison which I feel is a lot better than giving them the easy way out of death.
So they won't kill more people...I guess.
It's not irony, it's contadiction. People getting deffensive when they make it a point and call it "belligerent", people getting deffensive to try and "justify", it's all bullshit. Livia
Very good question!
That is one of the great mysteries of life and to answer your question, I don't have a clue.
People who kill people are not likely to change that behavior by giving them a book or a 3 day tutorial on kindness. Killers are deviants who need a deterant to dis-incent them from killing, or, if they continue to kill and can't stop even with the dis-incentive, they need to be removed from society, not because it is best for them or fair to them, but because the other 5 billion people deserve to live without becoming an innocent dead person because we all buy into the idea that kissing the ass of a criminal mind will some how get them to change their behavior.
There is great controversy over this question, because killing period is a sin. However you know the old saying an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. Some look at it as a life for a life.
We don't - at least not in my country. Isn't that the sort of punishment that is limited to the "less civilised" parts of the world?
I thought you terminated murderers because you don't want to spend $1000 a day to keep them locked up when honest people out there have to work 15 days to get that. In my country there's no death penalty, we just pay.
For the same reason wars are started to "Keep the peace".
If we kill someone it makes us seem like were doing something about it, even if we ARE going about it wrong
Are you talking about capital punishment, or the Iraq or Afganistan wars?
Usually it's justified by saying that the people who were killed would've killed many many more people... Like, Person A is on a killing spree, therefore person B kills person A, creating one more death but potentially stopping a great deal more. But that's a spur of the moment thing, usually by police or in self defence... Capital Punishment (which I think you're talking about) is just wrong. If they've been arrested then they should go to jail, not the chair (figure of speech, I surely hope that no country still uses the chair)
Killing murderers prevents them from ever being able to kill again. Locking them up in prison does not insure this as prisoners are quite good at improvising weapons that they can use on each other. People say that capital punishment does not stop crime. Well it does stop the person executed from committing another crime.
One reason we do it is for entertainment. I'm not just being flip here. Vengeance IS entertaining. Life requires killing. (?) So civilized life appears to require ritualized, channelized, socialized killing. This provides a deeply satisfying expression of hatred that people enjoy. Of course just 'sometimes'. Of course just 'some people'. But we have this dark potential that keeps resurfacing. If we want to control it, we have to give up the ignorance that feeds this bloody preference. And push it back into the fairy tales.
Well, sometimes the only way to ensure that someone stops killing others for good is to end that person's life. Sometimes inaction leads to greater harm than action. If a person isn't willing to stop killing on their own, some force against that person is required to protect others by stopping that person from harming others. The same rationale is often used in criminal justice systems.
You don't like it, come to Canada!
An eye for an eye? Perhaps it is left over from old times when people would get tortured and/or killed in a public square for crimes to scare others from committing them. We humans don't think twice about torturing and killing living things that are not human, so why wouldn't we kill a killer of humans? Human life is valued over all else in our eyes... except sometimes. There are places where killing women or humans that are different than the "norm" is not punished at all. Yours is a tough and very good question. One that probably can not be well answered.
Well, I think the real motivation is to provide closure for families of the victims. Victims' families have consistently lobbied for the right to view executions, and have been some of the most vocal proponents of the death penalty. Victims' families often experience immense grief over the senselessness of the crimes for which capital punishment applies, and they can never truly let go of that. They often believe that once the perpetrator is dead, it will afford them some level of relief from their own haunting thoughts of the event. Some would argue the death penalty is not analogous to murder since by committing the crimes in question, the perpetrator actually invites the punishment upon themselves. Of course, this position relies on the supremacy of law over morality. A notion which has prevailed in the American legal system.
To make an example out of them I guess.
You are mistaken. It is not to show that killing is wrong, it is to show what will happen to people who kill without permission (as in military, police, and justifiable).
Because people who make laws are people, and, like all people, they make their decisions based on a lifetime of prejudices and preferences.
You may have a point, so instead of the death penalty, If someone murders my wife and child. Leave the perpertrator in a room with me in which I would kill him anyways...Would'nt be a would be a crime of passion.
Anyone who fools themselves into believing that the death penalty deters crime is a fool. What it does do is make sure that one murderer is punished. Nothing more. One murderer is punished that is it. Any other purpose is nothing more than fantasy.
Ohhhhhh...! THAT'S why we kill people. I always thought it was revenge.
people that kill people for their own satisfaction should be dealt the same cards, if someone is killed accidentally depending on the facts jail or aquittsd. the thoughts that go through your mind speaks for your actions anyone who believes they have the right to take somebodys life does not belong on this planet maybe the next galaxie were things are different
Punishment fits the crime, eye for an eye, etc. Logically it does not deter criminals, it may deter normal people. I know its like hitting your child because he/she hit someone else. Not the most logical punishment. Plus the endless appeals, not exactly quick punishment.
Because we're human. What do you expect us to do, something rational? Ha!
the way i feel about that..... I think if you kill someone you should be killed the same way...Why give the killere a easy way out? Give him what he gave to others!!!!!!!!
Its Gods example, the master of disaster!
We don't really do that. We have budget constraints. Would you want to see the water cooler removed from the prisoner's lounge? or off someone who doesn't care about the death penalty anyway?
you gave me a headache
It is intended as a lesson,not for the killers but for those who have yet to kill.
Not sure, but I guess it is the same reason people hit children to teach them not to hit others.
So the er won't kill even more people. Have you ever watched Dexter? Dexter is a serial killer who kills serial killers. He also works in Forensics.
To make the world a safer place for those who wish to live, and live free. Killing is only justified to save lives and individual liberty, be that the killing of an individual or a political oppression.
We KILL people for commiting MURDER.
Ask that same question if you've ever had a friend or family member that was killed
apparently because we think we're better? i hav an issue with the death penalty tho, so forgive me
I'd rather a murderer be dead than taking my taxes to pay for them to live their entire life in jail.
because were all crazy and it makes us feel better
Good question. Yet we do not kill the people for killing people to show us that killing is wrong after those people killed other people.
Because payback is a bitch. Long live the death penalty.
Because we don't want to pay our tax dollars to let some murderer live with 3 square meals a day and wonderful treatment. It's easier to kill them.
They keep bitching about overcrowding in prisons. I think it's time to line up the ones in prison who have commited murder or even attempted and shoot them firing squad style. Maybe letting soldiers practice on them before going to Iraq.
In my opinion it's because we're idiots
For the same reason that adults will spank a child who is violent towards another child to teach him that violence is bad....! No wonder kids are confused...!
I think they kill people that kill people to keep them from killing anyone else.
the world will stop at nothing to rid itself of evil...
The difference is between that which is lawful and that which is unlawful. In the first instance someone takes a life without cause. This is unlawful as they deprived another individual of their right to life without proper cause. The only way for society to demonstrate that the unlawful taking of life is entirely unacceptable is to adjudicate the individual who took life unlawfully as guilty and deprive them of their life. This adjudication is the lawful taking of life. The murderer is actually afforded far more opportunity to save his/her own life than the victim they deprived of life. In the process of adjudication it is not a single individual that arbitrarily decides to put the murderer to death, but a jury of their peers (the community) and/or a judge who represents the law and the community. This is far more then the murderer afforded their victim. Moreover, to insure no mistake is made, the guilty are afforded an appeals process. Unfortunately, we are evil, and there are those among us who will not adhere to civility and respect for the rights of others. For those individuals, only the threat of death dissuades them from depriving others of their right to life. The question is hardly valid as put, seeing it draws no distinction between lawful and unlawful.
idk. i find it wierd how in america you gotta swear on the bible before taking the stand in court when in the bible it says thou shalt not kill when they're just gonna use the death penalty anyway !!!
Killing people for killing is to punish the person for killing inoccents so it is on a total different level of morality and ethics. And it frees up prison cells.
GREAT Question! Imposing a tough sentence is supposed to deter crime. Does it work? β’ It seems that countries that carry out the sentences quicker have less problems than those (like USA) who allow years from sentencing to execution. I wish I had the answer, because I am against capital punishment, but I am also against violent crimes. Truthfully, my heart goes towards the victims and not to the offender. Your question is great--I wish I had a better answer for you, but this is one area where I am not even sure where I stand.
It has nothing to do with morality, it's a consequence that more States need to adopt
That was the argument I used in a debate over the death penalty. It would be like hitting a child as punishment, because that child hit another. What does that teach them or prove to them? Nothing. Not to say that an adult wouldn't understand their punishment, however, doing the same action to them that they've committed themselves, almost justifies it. There has to be a better way.
why is this in military loved one???
I think one reason people kill is out of pure rage or anger that they're feeling at that point and time. I really feel deep down that with most people that have killed, that nine times out of ten, they deeply regret that fateful decision that they've just made-especially if it was someone that they killed just because they happened to be having a bad day. What a way to end a bad day,huh???
Killing people is wrong, end of story. But if you look into a Criminal Mind, you have to stop and think what will keep people from killing again. It's real easy to make a mess and go back to jail. Then when your set free in 7/8 years walk into a gigantic house that was paid for by Organized Crime. What about the 60,000 dollars or so a year that it costs tax payers to house them in prison. Capital Punishment is sometimes the only way to curb the spread of Organized Crime, which is now also linked to Terrorism.
It's one way to make d***ed sure that they won't kill again. If others are capable of learning from the mistakes of others, that's just a bonus.
Why do we spend so much money at christmas? Because there is no santa. Why do we kill people for killing people to show killing is wrong? Because there is no justice.
I dont know. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
the death is not the end of every thing its just a begining ....death like a portal to another world which you, me and everyone will get his/her rights or punshiments so when we kill someone to protect someone else ..believe me u did the right thing not for him but for your sake ,life and your death every one will die in the end but not everyone will go to the hevean if u dont kill this crimnual u will regret that forever.
It kills two birds with one stone. First, it punishes the person who killed. It says since you took a life, you will lose yours. Second, it shows other people that if they kill someone, they will pay with their own life, and make them reconsider doing it. I know I was tempted to kill someone, and he deserved to die for what he did to innocent children, but I felt that risking getting the death penalty myself was NOT worth carrying through, so it never actually formulated into a plan. (Now people figure if they kill someone else, worst case scenario is they get free housing, food and medical care for life.)
We can heatedly debate that it is fair to take an eye for an eye... this only leads to more blindness. No matter how many people are put on death row and executed will bring back the life that has been taken to warrant the execution. Not to mention the number of innocent people executed because the public needs to feel safe and that someone is punished. Think about it when you are dead you are dead, what kind of punishment is that?? Its not, they have been freed of their crime. Then I wonder why it is up to humans to legally play God. These people will meet their maker and to Him a sin is a sin. Now for those of you who have had the unfortunate experience of losing a child. The mother of the executed loses her child and I cannot in any way justify the torture she is put through for any means. Think of how many have been sentenced to death, what difference has it made?? People still kill. It is not right and it is such a terrible and horrific tragedy no if ands or buts. Such a touchy subject and I will not condone the actions of people that are violent and immoral but I can't help but wonder why we are fighting fire with fire and not water. To kill a murderer is fueling the fire, love breeds love and hate breeds hate. God Bless
The killing of murderers is only an act of revenge by the state and achieves nothing.A persons liberty to roam freely is a very precious thing,so jail them for natural life.
I think it has a lot to do with the victim's family. They want to see the people responsible for taking their loved ones be punished accordingly. There's also the possibility that when other people see that death will be a resulting consequence, then maybe they will be less likely to commit the crime. I personally think it doesn't do much for the murderers, except that they know they will die for what they have done, and they will think about it until the sentence is carried out.
We don't. We have capital punishment to punish people for killing, and to deter people for killing, and to provide retribution for the crime.
We don't. There are times when we execute criminals who will never have the opportunity to become productive members of society. If someone murders five people and is serving five consecutive life sentences, there really is no reason that society should have to support that person until the die a natural death. It also eliminates any possibility that they may escape and murder more people. The death penalty is also supposed to serve as a detriment to others. There's a few people I might be willing to take out if I knew that I wouldn't have to pay the full price for my crimes. Further, we are not showing that killing is wrong. We are executing someone for the crime of murder. Not all homicide is murder. It is not about moral right and wrong, but the application of the law. Murder is a crime subject to punishment. Under some circumstances, that punishment is death.
Wasn't this question on the Casey Anthony web page?
so they wont kill again.
this is a duplicate x3.. please watch for duplicate questions
The same reason some parents hit their kids to show them hitting is wrong. Good, but misguided intentions.
Just curious what would you suggest as punishment for raping and killing your child perish the thought that it could happen. If you saw this person on the street you were armed he wasn't?
Realism vs. idealism.. "I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it." Jack Handey
The commandment "Thou shoult not kill" means thou shall not commit murder. God says in the bible of murders, "send them to me". How do we do that? We execute them!!! Then God and the murder's victims judge him/her. God is the judge.
The premise of your question is wrong I think. The reason for putting certain killers to death is to demonstrate that punishment for killing a human being is to (perhaps) sacrifice your own life. Failure to do this has resulted in more victims by killers who have gone on to kill again. Killers don't need a lesson that killing is wrong..they know.
Because people enjoy killing people and the death penalty is just an excuse to legally kill people.
We should kill them too !!
The idea of the death penalty is to convince people that if they commit murder, they will be force ably removed from the gene pool.
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