Nothing is open. Perfect time to drop by a used bookstore or a hobby shop...
I am supposed to visit and eat at more than one relative's house. That means I have to ration myself at every place...(Oh, the "Agony and the Ecstasy").....
The two halves of my divorced family take out their frustrations on me when I don't decide quick enough which family I am going to see the most of that day. It's the same with every holiday, really. My family doesn't know how to compromise.
All of my family being together in one place and the awesome fights that break out- leaving everyone sore for the remaining part of the year. +4
The Detroit Lions
Working 12 1/2 hours.
It signals the end of warm weather and the beginning of winter cold, ice and snow.
Dumb relatives:)
The bickering, and door slamming. =/
The imminent arrival of Winter.
That i work my butt off and my sister doesnt cook anything niether does she help with the dishes.
Doing the dishes after dinner when I would rather be taking a food induced nap.
Never really having dinner with my entire family happy thanksgiving Alluseek
that my brothers will never invite me over for it
Lots of people intruding on your off time Again though that was a long way back, today nobody in this area at least even gives it a second thought
the traffic
They always ask me to carve the turkey. I hate to get all messy and get the juices on my clothes.
Linda Joy
Wear an apron.
The constant arguing of my relatives and I over politics.
Family fights.
Nothing at all. I get invited to a friends' house for a free meal, I don't have to cook, I don't have to clean up, I can stuff myself, drink whatever they have on hand (alcohol), and take a nap when it's all over. Thanksgiving has to be the perfect day of the year.
Somebody invariably gets liquored up and starts a fight. Generally, the "usual suspects".
Having to be around people I don't like. Having to take jabs just because I don't want to cause a scene.😏
Army Veteran
That just about covers everyone in here, doesn't it?
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