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Either eternal love, or jealousy, bickering and eventually a long drawn out break-up. Usually the latter, occasionally it's a good break-up or a sudden break-up.
I think it's normal that the initial phase of infatuation would wear off, but to me, I think that's when relationships become their most rewarding. Relationships take work, time and energy - they are an investment, and one of the most important investments we make, because we are dealing with our emotions and the emotions of another person. If a relationship starts to stagnate, or both people become too "comfortable" and cease to make as much effort as they once did, I think that is the perfect time to re-evalute your mind-set and start making changes. Do something special for your partner that you wouldn't normally do, or go to new places together. If both people are willing to shape up and make things more interesting, then the investment pays off. There are literally thousands of ways to spice up a relationship that might be getting a little boring. It's when both people, or one person, couldn't be bothered doing that that things go sour.
Um.. Hey pretty pirate. I'd rather call you cutie pirate. But anyway I never had a relastionship this long so I would'nt know. I'm sure when the lust and the butterfly's go away it gets hard. That's why I congrad all happily married couples and people like my grandparents. They say it takes patience,love,understanding,and lots of matureing...
Hopefully you experience the comfortable warmth that secure love brings you. If you have doubts after a year, then this relationship probably won't last once you've fallen out of lust.
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