Pretty faces with real shapes, no sticks with boobs.
Real women! Super models come with too many issues and they more than likely cant cook! lol
I like the real women that dont need makeup to feel good about their self.
I prefer women who are natural and a complete package, so anyone with plastic surgery is out for starters. Looks are important but if it is put with a lousy personality forget it. So as for the term 'real women', depends what you define as a 'real woman' are you not all 'real women'. I go for the woman who I am attracted to mentally and physically accept no substitute.
I dont like they "supermodel" types anymore.. they always end up slutty. I prefer a girl with self-respect & dignity, a girl that doesnt care bout 'fitting into' the crowd & doing what they do.
Absolutley not, bony girls are not good for cuddling.
Are you suggesting that women who look like supermodels are not real women? Well, if your definition of "real" is fat, short and flat chested then I'd take the supermodel. What's with the hate for skinny girls?
I guess real women, supermodels dont do much for me at all. their life is their looks and Ive got a lot more going on and i hope one day the woman i am with will too.
Real!!!!! models are too skinny and often have a starved look about them like a leopard searching the plains for dinner.
Supermodels. I find I have more of a chance with them.
Real women with curves.
There is a reason today's models look like twelve year old boys in drag. Who designs the clothes and picks the models? Gay men, that's who. They like young boys and want strait men to start looking for that by making this trend in women. You girls think gay men are your friends. They are the ones that make these trends that are so hurtful for women. I prefer women who look like Greek statues or 1940's 1950's models. I like cures, hips, breasts and all of those things designed by nature to tell men they will make healthy babies.
I am attracted to 'real women,' if by that you mean a woman with curves and more than handful (if you know what I mean).
There's nothing obtainable about "supermodel" types. I'd like to at least BELIEVE I have a shot. Even if it isn't true.
Supermodel types are just as real as any other type of women. Being other than supermodel type does not give anyone the right to demean those who are.
I prefer real women, supermodels uslaly has fake tits and are usually anorexic.
Not that supermodels aren't "real women," but I think a lot of them would be stuck up and full of themselves.
Excuse me? "Supermodel" types ARE "real" women, too.
At this point, any woman with a heart beat
Not all "supermodel women" are stuck up, in fact most of us are very sweer, smart and the sexiness is just a plus!
I'm a female, but as one who's equally attracted to women I feel I've a right to offer an answer too. :) I, personally, am most comfortable with the 'average' sized woman. Those with exaggerated weights, be it over- or underweight, I find more difficult to be instantly attracted to. While I'll admit many supermodels are drop-dead gorgeous, and many plus size women are too, the people who are attracted to them will vary greatly. Lots of guys like a girl who looks healthy (supermodels are a tad smaller than 'healthy size,' but still) and lots of guys like a bit more 'meat.' :)
I love the supermodel types. Im married to one...awwwwww yeahhhhhhh!!!!
I have no problem with supermodel size (as long as she’s not starving herself to be that way), but let’s face it: a lot of supermodels are *dogs*. Sure, they’ve got stereotypically great bodies, but what’s the point if you stick an ugly face on top? I generally prefer a little bit bigger woman, simply because they generally have softer, more feminine features. My 2¢…
Real, please. I've met a few "supermodel" types, and I find them incredibly dull.
"Real" women, I suppose.
i just dunno why people think supermodels are the epitome of 'hot'? its crazy! its such a subjective thing! and people say 'oh they must be catty because they atre pretty' which is stupid in itself to say that pretty girls are catty. but WHY is it that everyone thinks supermodels are prettier than your average girl? they arent! its all an illusion! plus i know plenty of guys that would think 'real' girls are more attractive than 'supermodels' even on a superficial basis
Real women all the way! Supermodel types are nice enough to look at (usually) but usually come with attitude. There is NOTHING more of a turn off than a woman who knows she is pretty. Massive turn off.
I can't name a single attractive supermodel. I also however don't like the term "real women" because it implies that they have some sort of glaring imperfection which "fake women" don't which isn't true at all. Plenty of what others would call "real women" I would call "perfect women".
I certainly don't find the bony, skeletal look to be remotely attractive, and from what I hear, their personality often leaves much to be desired too.
This is a dumb question. Of course men are very very attracted to supermodels. Why wouldn't men be attracted to women with incredibly perfect sexy bodies and beautiful faces. It’s like asking if men like to drink water when they are thirsty. And it’s only homophobic or gay men think that boys look like supermodels.
Nah i hate the supermodel type so fake so thin no curves too skinny give me a real women any day of the week :)
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