• It's not PERFECTLY incompressible but most liquids, including water, have very limited ability to be compressed -- the molecules simply can't be forced any closer to each other than they already are. Outer electrons of the atoms will repel one another.
    • Moving Violation
      Excellent April 25 2022
  • 12-23-2016 That is just another example of somebody saying something he considers obvious, and later finding it's not exactly what he should have said. Of course water is compressible. You put it a closed container and apply pressure. Presto: compressed water. That is not to say the volume is reduced. You can reduce the volume by chilling to 38F. Another dum thing they used to say about water was that pressure was instantly transmitted in all directions. Pressure is transmitted at the speed of sound, and it is fairly easy to transmit it in just one direction.
    • Moving Violation
      Excellent April 25 2022
  • Because it doesn't want to be compressed, why do you think?
  • Along with the other correct answers I read one time compressing water it will turn to ice. Water is not compressible this is true but in attempting to do so with enough pressure it will turn to Ice.
  • Water is slightly compressible. We often treat it as incompressible when doing fluid flow calculations because the pressure changes involved are too small to make an appreciable change to the density. ... The water at the bottom of the ocean is denser than at the surface due to the very large pressure there.
    • Moving Violation
      Excellent April 25 2022
  • That's the beauty of water.
  • One answer is 2016 where in the hell are these goombas getting the questions? 2016 is a long time ago! April 25 2022

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