• I broke my nose playing frisbee. My father threw it too hard and i got hit in the face. But not only did that hurt I fell to the ground and slammed my nose in my knee.
  • Me bein a dumb ass and tryin to do tricks on my bike,and i ended up cracking my collar bone.
  • I cracked a rib trying to get an empty box out of a dumpster.
  • I have never broken a bone, but my daughter broke both her wrists when she was in 3rd grade. She was on the monkey bars. It has wheels instead of bars across the top, one tilted one way, the next tilted the other. She was trying to jump past the first one and catch the second one, and she missed, fell face first to the ground, and broke both wrists trying to break her fall.
  • I was riding my bike way too fast and I crashed into a telephone pole , flipped over the handle bars and shattered my wrist.
  • As an 8 year old, I fell down roller skating and skated over my own wrist. I broke my thumb hitting my older brother. It was the late '70s and he was wearing a HUGE Dallas Cowboy's belt buckle and I gave him an upper cut to the stomach and clipped my thumb on the buckle and chipped the knuckle.
  • I broke a rib climbing an apple tree - I stepped on a dead branch and it broke and where did I land? Right in the crevice between the split tree trunk. Go figure! ;)
  • In football, after our runningback got hit and the play was over, I helped him up but he pulled my fingers to hard and I ended up with a broken middle finger.
  • Thankfully, I have never broken a bone.
  • I fell off my shoe and broke my foot in a grocery store parking lot.
  • I broke my little toe on my right foot. I was walking through my bedroom with the lights off and slammed it into the bathroom door.
  • In 7th grade during recess a bunch of cute 9th grade boys were spinning the merry-go-round so fast it should have taken flight. They were taunting my friend and I to jump on. She took a fast run and leap at it, and managed to stay on. Not wanting to be left out, I did the same, only I didn't quite make it. I was hanging on for dear life and made it about 2 revolutions before it slung me off and up a small incline. I broke my left ankle. They wouldn't help me up and when the bell rang,they all went inside. The Principal came out and picked me up, and carried me through crowds of kids in the hallway to the nurses station. That was a great day.
  • Ironicly enough, my only broken bone happened in a hospital. A tall, narrow table tipped over and I cracked a bone in my left middle finger. It was an interesting cast for a nine-year-old to have...
  • I was walking up the basement stairs and my mom was in front of me. Well she was tipsy and carrying groceries and fell backwards. I landed on the cement right on my wrist, and she landed on me!
  • Broke a few knuckles punching a brick wall... shoulda seen THAT one coming...
  • i waz in yet another car crash and got out looked at the car and thanked god that it waznt my car and i waznt responcable. walk around the carr called for help, then got back in the car to see how ahte others had fared 2 dead and hte last one waz shaked and minor bleeding but other wise okay he got out of the car i stitched him up and he punched me 3 times. bloody nose 4 cracked ribs and a pretty nice shiner. i walk away from a car crash only to get hurt helping some one
  • i was sliding down a banister for a movie for school (MI3- mission iodine because the took the salt out of the school) and trying to look cool i did the opposite by flipping on the rail and hitting my foot on it and fractured the bone.. it was almost healed and i accidently stepped in a coke box and fell and refractured the bone... im also was a ballet dancer, now retired thanks to my clumsyness
  • i broke my neck running for exercise.
  • I broke both my heels jumping out a window. I had casts up to my knees on both feet. Wow, that was fun!
  • Which one, I've had a few interesting ones. The oddest I would say is when we went on vacation to Europe. Day one, we land, take the train from the airport to downtown (Rome), the hotel was 6 blocks from the train station, and I got hit by a cab and it ran over my foot. Snapped a few bones in my foot.
  • As an Army MP, we were breaking up a pretty big brawl in the enlisted club one night when I had a barstool smashed across my back breaking the two big floating ribs and bruising my kidney pretty bad as well. It was quite painful to deal with for awhile and still gets achy when the weather is cold.
  • I got a green stick fracture to my thumb having a pillow fight with my then husband!!!!!!!
  • I was on the see-saw with my younger sister. She decided to get off and I fell right to the bottom, breaking my ankle. Did I mention that I was 15 when this happened? haha...funny now, but pretty embarrasing telling that to everyone else at the time!
  • A young horse stepped on my foot and crushed my big toe, tore off the nail. It was ugly! It's still ugly:-(
  • I broke both my heels jumping out a third story window. Hey, I was 17 ... don't ask! lol
  • With the number 3. (okay that was a stretch I know but it's late, I can't be on all the time!)
  • Actually, I broke pieces of bone in my knee going up the steps of the school bus.
  • When I was 15, I war riding my 10 speed bike too fast and accidently turned a 15 foot tall pile of dirt into a jump ramp. I landed the jump on the front wheel, but the impact broke both arms. I had to pick myself up and ride my bike no handed back home, crying all the way.
  • Roller skating, man it sucked.
  • Falling out of the shower....not my most graceful moment
  • I was wearing walking casts on both legs for tendon problems. It is not so easy to walk with both legs in casts, and I tripped and fell, breaking both wrists. I had to get casts from my armpits to the tips of my thumbs on both arms. For the next 6 weeks, I had casts on all my limbs. Then I got my leg casts off and shorter arm casts. Not fun, but an odd way to break bones.
  • ive only broken a bone one time and that was my ankle, i just banged it on something by accident

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