• I HAVE NO CLUE!!!!!!!! It's shocking to me and seems very self serving
  • I think it's because many of them fear they will lose what they have. (Which the Republicans are busily doing their best to make them believe.)
  • My main reason is I don't like *anyone* deciding what is best for me! I do not want a Gov worker deciding if I am well enough or not to have a procedure or then to have to get on a waiting list for basic care. It will cost us all more in taxes and in the overall quality of service as well. It will stink big time ask any Canadian.
  • Because they are being blocked from knowing about it. Turn on MSNBC and listen to some facts about what is happening with the smear campaigns. Awful. Watch Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow at present and see if you can agree or not. Unlike the right wing Republicans, I am not here to convince you to go my way. Just think for yourselves after getting some actual information.
  • Purely and simply it's because we don't want to be taxed to death like the British and Canadians.
  • Cause it's Government telling you whats best for you again and they cant even take care of medicade or medicare and they wanna munch on the extra taxes they would get for Government healthcare ,The quality of Dr's are going to go down cause their not going to spen all that time and money in medical school for a Government paycheck that prolly wouldnt even cover their malpractice insurance and you would have to wait weeks and months for a Dr appointment . Talk to a Canadian they will tell you how socialized medicine is . Not to mention you will work and work your tail off just to get low rate medical that the lazy not wanting to work people get for free . Since they refuse to work they wont have any taxes and for those who cannot work they suffer the fate of low quality care rather than be able to buy a private plan to supplement their medicare .
  • There seem to be alot of falsehoods like old people will not get treatment,We`ll have to wait to see a doc,etc.But It almost always takes 3 days to 2 weeks to get a doc appointment now,and has for years...I think we all need more info on the plan instaed of all these scare tactics and rumers!Some people are AFRAID!
  • I have no idea, but I imagine the people that oppose it already have health insurance. God forbid they lose their job or something! So selfish...YAY health insurance!!!
  • I don't know. But as an American I would love to have it so I could get braces for my buck-ass teeth.
  • I suspect most of those complaining have relatively good quality insurance. I seriously doubt that any of those complaining the loudest and longest have any problem getting health care when they need it.
  • Ironically some of those complaining the loudest, Republican Senators and Congressmen have the best health care available in the world at absolutely no charge to them.
  • Simple. "I've got mine. Screw you." Also, our employer based payment system makes greedy people think they get health care for free. There are no free lunches. Businesses pass on their costs to us consumers. They also lose out in international completion to companies off shore who don't have to pay an added 15% on top of wages to buy their employees health care. This is past of what's sending our jobs off shore.
  • Greed..nothing more really. The GOP has tapped into that by lying to them to convince them guvrmunt will make you die and tax you to do it.
  • because they're too stupid to know that their private insurance company dumped them last week!
  • Many are opposed because they are afraid. As an American, I worry about what a universal health care plan will ultimately offer American citizens and what the cost will be. We're being bombarded with horror stories and scare tactics and it's very difficult to sift through the information and find the truth. Something must be done. Too many of our citizens are uninsured. Costs are escalating out of control and if this pace continues even those employed full-time making good wages won't be able to afford coverage.
  • It's not 'so many' it's just a select bunch of dumb rotten apples who don't know their ass from their elbow and are being pawned by smart people with money from the health insurance companies who stand to lose their money with any kind of reform. These dumb, hateful whackjobs are not representative of American society.
  • I am opposed to it because the end result would be loss of liberty.Government intrusion,loss of freedom of choice,deterioration of the quality of care one would get due to rationing,LOSS OF CHOICE-who wouldn't be pissed about that??
  • Greed. Plain and simple. They are not the ones who have to worry if they get sick. They are so greedy about spending an extra few dollars a year that they don't care if you die and most of them would rather you die than have to care about you. They don't seem to understand that they ARE paying anyway in the form of disability, medicaid/medicare, missed sick days which affects productivity, etc. I can promise you that they would be the first one to complain about NOT getting help if they got a serious illness they couldn't pay for. It's all greed.
  • People do not want their tax dollars to pay for illegal aliens. The bill is not spelled out. They lied about renegotiating NAFTA. We still import more than we export. The politician's do not care about working people ;they will keep their Cadillac insurance on our Tax Dollar.
  • I think we have a moral responsibility to give Americans citizens the best quality care available. This includes Senior citizens and the disabled. However I do not TRUST THE POLITICIAN'S TO SET UP A PLAN THAT WILL DO THIS!! Don't be FOOLED THEY CARE ABOUT THE LOBBYIST not the WORKING PEOPLE!! The Democrats and Republicans top priorities are the Lobbyist not the people.Did they renegotiate NAFTA for the benefit of the American people. I have Health Insurance and we struggle to pay it. I do not want some paper pusher to decide what Medical care my Family is entitled too. I know more about Medical Procedures than they do. I have spoken to people who have family members in other Countries who literally die on waiting list. In this country we could never do it the way Japan does and their system works best. Japan does not have illegal aliens that expect them to pay for there Health care. The benefits of the Senators,Congressmen and President will not change ; they will still have the best in the world. The Middle class will pay for illegal aliens Health Care. Soon there will be no Middle Class. In the UK you are wealthy or poor. If the Left wing wants my support they have to spell out every last detail as it would be in a contract. I do not trust Reed or Pelosi anymore than I do Bush and chani. They all lie like rugs. Bush gave away our smart Bomb technology to china. They now have the ability to fly Bombs by Computer guidance into our air space; we can not make the minerals in the US. any more. Does this make you feel safe? Answer this one ?
  • No idea. The US is ranked below every other developed country on the WHO healthcare scale, but if you listened to the media, you'd think that the US currently has the best healthcare ever, and if Obama has his way everyone will die.
  • I think many are worried that the national debt will crush the nation under trillions of dollars of unpayable debt. Others worry that even though they struggle to pay $1,500 per month for their own family's health insurance, the government will require them to kick in another $1,500 per month to cover someone else's - $1,500 that they don't have. Others worry that even though they can get an MRI the same day or in a day or two, they will be forced to wait 3 months like in Canada and parts of Europe, even though they are paying thousands of dollars a month for the service. Still others have resentment that people will come here illegally, get free coverage while they continue to pay $3,000 per month for the same thing.
  • You might consider this an argument...for me Kierafaye, this is not even debatable. Even suggesting we/I even consider giving up one single right to make our own decisions is unconscionable and anyone subscribing to this whacky notion of letting the Gov decide or tell me whats best for myself and family should be herded of the shores of this great country. Just to be clear I never said the Republicans have the answer to the problems people face here regarding health care coverage either...I just don't want some Gov flunkie telling me what kind or level of service I can or can't have. Who on earth could be that blind or stupid to want *that*!! Come on... you can't be that uninformed or are you??
  • There's misinformation, there's a fear of it leading to communism, there's a hatred of anything that isn't the status quo, and then there's the reason why I want it, but not right now: The US government is a patchwork mockery of spending the public's money efficiently, and would likely butcher any public healthcare to the point that it would be almost useless. Unless there's a massive amount of reform on how money is handled in legislation and execution and the government gets a big update to its infrastructure, they will probably be able to present some kind of healthcare, but it will not be the healthcare that we need, and will be overrun by privatization, as government as we know it is just a figurehead for the established plutocracy. They're also well-known for refusing to take advice or follow suite when other countries do something better. There are dozens of examples of how good healthcare can be administered in America in other countries, and America doesn't even have to mirror them, just learn from them - but this won't happen. I believe that the government, even under Obama, is not ready to begin creating a platform for public healthcare.
  • I am a bipartisan Independent I decide issues based on fact and available documentation. Not political nonsense or bias slant. Obama has already lied to the American people. He promised to renegotiate NAFTA in a way that was better for the American people and did not. Nothing has changed he is just another Politician. In Japan they have Government run Health Care. They also have longer life expectancy. I do not think we could ever have such a well run Program in this country. We have too much red tape in all Government run Programs. The left wing would like to pass this Government run insurance on the backs of the Middle Class working people. who can barely afford their own insurance. The right wing wants to make sure the wealthy do not pay. Why should American tax dollars pay for Health care for illegal invaders to our Nation? My ancestors came here legaly and received no hand outs. We have to many problems with our Economy to give out free Health care to anyone that is not a legal American. If you want to know the facts about how other nations run their Public Insurance go or tune into the Lou Dobbs show the rest of this week. He has already had reports on several other Nations Public insurance. Get the facts do the research and do not make decisions based on emotion or Political nonsense. We are all American's. Remember that when the dust settles the President,Senators and congressman will still have the best insurance in the World. What will we have? Will our Health Care be decided by Licensed Doctors or paper pushing morons?
  • The health insurance companies design programs to misinform and frighten people about reform so they won't be hindered from making their gigantic profits. Read this article:
  • Listen Rufus don't go reading more into what I say or believe in. I am all for health care for everyone and always have been...I just won't stand for the restriction or removal of freedoms in order to achieve that goal. I find it disgusting and detestfull that *anyone* would support legislation that would allow for the restriction of freedom of choice?!! My God man that is just plain stupid and frankly insane *Period*!! Yes I like to shoot sporting clays and value that right and ability...and by the looks of things Obama and pals want to also curtail that simple freedom and right too. So yes you and I may not see eye to eye and you have the same rights here as well! I will not stand in your way to sell out yours and you and you pals here won't stand in the way of my effort to preserve mine. That sir is why you are now seeing sensible rational discussion occurring on Capital Hill that is now bring some common sense to this debate and changes that actually make sense are coming to the surface. That POS 1000 plus page HC Reform Turd that Obama dropped in our laps may actually become a sensible proposal with *bi-partisan* cooperation. It's OK guys this won't hurt.
  • If they what us to trust the reform why don't they spell out in writing what they intend to do. Most Americans can read. They assume we are dumb and will simply trust them.
  • I see that some of the idiots want cradle to grave care from the federal government. Sure, the idea of national healthcare sounds appealing, but are you willing to sacrifice what you already have? Most doctors and hospitals let a lot of the uninsured off scott free. That costs the taxpayers a bundle.
  • I oppose it for a couple of reasons. As with other entitlement programs, I don't believe the constitution grants the federal government the authority to create them in the first place. Secondly, I don't think we can afford it. We are already trillions in debt. Current spending has already spiraled out of control. Existing programs like Medicare and Social Security are facing serious shortfalls. There are no necessary reforms on the horizon to cut spending to these money pits. How can we add another massive entitlement without bringing needed reforms and balancing the budget? We shouldn't even be having this debate until those things have been accomplished. The government cannot provide all things to all people. We must say "no" when the money simply isn't there, even if you personally feel the program is a good idea. Disregarding fiscal discipline will eventually lead us to financial ruin, or to massive tax hikes that will stifle the economic freedom of our citizens.
  • Looks like we're going to lose the battle on healthcare reform this year. Maybe not, but it's not looking so good anymore. I don't think Obama thought enough about controlling the costs. The huge numbers really scared people. The deficit never seemed to bother anyone before. Maybe the insurance companies propaganda is influencing Americans' thinking a lot more than we realize. They have vast power and a very strong incentive $$$ to see reform fail.
  • OK< If the trolls don't expect cradle to grave care what do they really want?
  • i have great coverage i dont wanna keep payingto take care of someone else. get a job and an education. if illegal get out.................................. gee i wonder how much more debt obama said he wont ever make for us that he has already tripled.. oh gee did i say by the way the first stimulus never worked..
  • Because it takes away freedom, it will ultimately cost more in taxes, doctors will have no incentive with government run health care not to mention the government has never run a large program successfully, that is just a few reasons I am working to stop this nonsense.
  • Lots of money is being spent by those that profit in the current system. Finding ways to reform healthcare and make it more efficient will eliminate profits. On the other hand the healthcare costs we have now are rising faster than wages and inflation. People don't realize that - If we don't change it and bring down costs, very few people are going to have any health care at all. Many people don't realize that tying healthcare insurance directly to jobs, eliminates many jobs, because the jobs are moved to other countries where healthcare isn't a part of employee costs.
  • I'm not apposed to health care for eveyone I just don't want the government involved in it, the health care problem can be helped by putting limitations on profits ,open up compitition nation wide and TORT reform but government run health care? NO NO NO NO
  • I've lived under the VA medical system, and I received minimal, mostly slipshod care. I am a 100%DAV and get preferential treatment! The government cannot, and should not run the wholesale medical care of this country. I believe everyone should receive antiquate care, but the government cannot administer that procedure. I suggest that a consortium of not-for-profit agencies administer the health care plan.
  • You said it the way it really is above anonymous I totally agree with you. They simply are not capable of doing it. They would run it like they over saw Fanny May and Wall Street. Not well. I am a Middle Class person with decent Insurance. My Husband and I struggle to pay for Insurance and other bills. we do not live on Credit. Our Co Pay goes up every Year. I will not support illegal invading Aliens. My ancestors came here legally and struggled to learn the Language. They supported their Families and enriched our Society. Americans can not support or save the whole world on the back of the Middle class. WE MUST PUT AMERICAN'S FIRST THE WAY ALL OTHER NATION'S PUT THEIR OWN FIRST. The world takes advantage of us. In may be rude but I don't give dam if they do not approve us. They are simply jealous. They all want to steel our jobs. It's time we demand the respect we deserve. The Europeans are great at talking about their Demorcatic principals and how we must in force them.
  • They aren't, but the hired shills sure try to make it look that way don't they?

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