• Who knows, who cares!
  • I have so many wrong answers for that from my younger days. I think the real reason is to keep it from being 2x the size.
  • It is the best selling book ever, the main reason is they wear out after two or three years. I have purchased at least 10. Drives me nuts. the real answer, it makes them lighter to carry. They are about the only books we have that travel with us on a regular basis
  • maybe people dont want to waste paper that is like, computer paper thickness since theres is the bible is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long!
  • At a guess I would suppose to keep costs down and to keep it from being so large. IIRC the thin paper they use is something like half the weight and thickness of regular paper, were they to print Bibles with regular paper it would be about twice as large and heavy. Makes for a very unwieldy book then.
  • I'm not sure, but I think it's to make the book lighter, there's a lot of pages in it :) They do the same with large textbooks.
  • Because Bibles are like 1500 pages give or take (depending on the height/width, font size, etc). So you figure each sheet of paper is printed on both sides, you'd be looking at about 750 sheets of paper. If they printed it on normal paper like you probably have in your printer, that thing would probably be about 3 inches thick. People tend to not like carrying around something bulky and heavy when there's a smaller, lighter alternative.
  • To cut down on the size and weight. If they were published on normal book paper, the would be huge!
  • Because, even with those flimsy pages, the damn thing is still 1100+ pages long -- it'd just sit idle on your bookshelf like that atlas your parents gave you back in high school, if they didn't do everything they could to make it portable...
  • Maybe because they can fit much more into a fine print, thus making the book easier to carry and more accessible. Think about it, would you ever take an encyclopedia to church? (i know some people would)
  • cuz the bible would be like a dillion times longer if they printed it on thick paper. easier to flip also.
  • So you can use the pages to roll up a shmoke
  • Because the page traffic is so low it will never get damaged.
  • Obviously God wants us to rip the pages. <---atheist, BTW
  • So it is not totally useless (in the event of a toilet tissue shortage).
  • Well depending on the language, font, translation, and edition, the average number of pages can vary between around 600 and over 3000. So, say you have a bible that is 3000 pages long, if you cut the paper thickness in half, well you can save 1500 pages worth in materials. It is done to cut costs, and when u are giving away free bibles, well every cent counts I guess.
  • Makes good TP
  • So that they can be used as emergency toilet paper
  • I love the answers given. But the true answer is because it is meant to conserve on the amount of trees that are cut down every year to make all of these bibles. Thinner pages mean less trees cut down.
  • So you can use the paper to roll joints.
  • To save money because none of it is real? +5
  • Hope this isn't one of those Jewish jokes yo...
  • The one I like to read is printed on 'regular' heavy paper and that is why I like to read it, the print is larger, the paper sturdier, it just seems easier to read - but I don't take that one with me when I go places because it is huge. The fragile papered one is smaller and easier to tote around. The words are all the same....if you feel more comfortable reading a bible with heavier paper, then do that. Word for word, same thing. Just weight and size of book change as well as size of print.
  • Because the rest of the dough goes towards the churches sprinkler system.
  • I always thought it made flipping through the pages easier to from chapter to chapter easier. (When the pastor said go to Chapter:Verse and then go to Chap:Verse) This is also why most are also soft leather bond. Have you ever tried using a hard back Bible? It's not as handy. --- I have never torn a page from a Bible. I have accidently torn pages in a regular printed book.
  • Maybe a disperate primitive attempt to make it difficult for the readers to discover the thousands of contradictions and errors inside the Bible! You'd tend to care and concentrate not to tear the thin fragile papers instead of focusing on the written content of the pages ... You can call it (Preventative Measures by Biblical scholars) :)
  • So people in prison or cheap hotels can either roll joints and cigaretts with it or wipe when necessary.

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