Miss Behaves One of my jokes back in 74 was "I don't know anyone named Miss Behaves". It was cute and amusing at 9 but old hat by the time I was 20.
i knew someone called Anita Harding (I need a hard on), I also know someone called Candy Baskett, and Jenny Hooker...
How about john long? Or johnny sprinkles! Or someone with alot of freckles on their face call them coco pops! lol :) +5
Harry Butts; a real person!
Ben Tulong. Remember Martha Focker.
Rod Munch & Harry Johnson
I.P. Daily Claude Balls Harry Boner
ummmmm Gerald Fitzpatrick & Patrick Fitzgerald Philip Mccavity
i know two guys from a neighboring town named Jack and Dick Knauff
Phil McCrackenbush Ivan Leveninchcock Howie Felterbush Mo Lestatot Holden A. Johnson Kay Malovia Kay Minnermouth etc.
Funny you should mention Ben, one of my net names is L. Ben Dover.
E. Jack Ulate Juan Abuckmee Master Bates Hugh G. Rection Hugh Jorjy Papa Boner Mike Rotch Mike Hunt Phil McCrevis Peter Gozenya Buster Hymen Oliver Closeoff Ben Dover Jack Mioff Major Boner Harry P. Ness Eileen Yulick Bo Nerr Ken Yabuckmee Chuck DePantz Hugh Jass Moe Lester Stu Pidass
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