A squirrel in my neighborhood certainly thinks so. It has been eating oriental lilies.
Yes. Afraid I can't give you more then that but my mother in law grows some flowers in her vegetable garden to put in salads. They're beautiful and have a slightly sweet taste.
Capers are actually flower buds. Those things are just so darn tasty.
- here you go, hope this helps:)
dandelions are not tasty but edible. Dandelion wine is a pretty good wine though.
Dried lavender is a traditional ingredient in Herbs de Provence.
I'm a flower and very edible! lol Kidding! Pansies, Dandelions and Marigolds are 3 I can think of. +5
Yes. Many of them are. Alot of them may not taste good though.
Calendula - Also called Marigolds. A wonderful edible flower. Flavors range from spicy to bitter, tangy to peppery. Their sharp taste resembles saffron (also known as Poor Man’s Saffron). Has pretty petals in golden-orange hues. Sprinkle them on soups, pasta or rice dishes, herb butters, and salads. Petals add a yellow tint to soups, spreads, and scrambled eggs. + 5
Yes, and the prettiest ones are called "nasturtions" They are yummy and look gorgeous in a salad.
Carnation petals (only) are edible. Roses, remove the bitter white part from the petal. Violets are great in salads. Also broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes are flowers.
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