• Probably Yes.
  • you nnight get thenn, you just have to wait and see
  • Did you sue the person who hit you? Have you been hospitalized for your mental illness? In any case you need to talk to a lawyer. You shouldn't have to pay any money up front, only if they win your case. And if they don't think they can win they will let you know. But it sounds to me like you have a home a car and a job paying enough that you don't qualify for additional benefits. You may not have paid enough into social security to draw regular disability and you probably make too much money to get SSDI. You may want to ask your mental and regular health care providers where you can go for help in your area. Your NAMI chapter may be able to give you some advice as well. You can apply for disability without a lawyer, but they almost always turn you down the first time around unless you have been hospitalized for mental health issues. It took two years for my disability case to go to court.

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