• With 100% accuracy. I get that from my dad. At least its that high with horror flicks.
  • Yes.Alot of them are predictable,and similer in pattern.Boooring! Sometimes,I'll find one that is original,but not to often.:)*+++++*
  • Yes, I'm almost 100% correct. I used to watch movies with my father and he always got them right! I think that's where I got it from.
  • Not really if they end it with a climax.
  • Frequently. Often, even the surprise ones.
  • Older Films, absolutely, lately (last year or two) not so often and sometimes I get pissed st an abrupt ending! lol +5
  • More and more often. Though 'The Machinist' has a really nice 'explanatory' ending I didn't see coming at all. It's really worth a watch!
  • I guessed the Titianic was going to sink at the start of the movie.
  • PLOT SPOILERS!! Though it didn't take too much effort, 'The Secret Window' and 'The Village' I had figured out very quickly- - especially The Village. [ And that movie with Cate Blanchett being a fortune teller/spiritualist/psychic advisor - - it's pretty obvious who the murderer is. I noted others mentioned they got their abilities from their fathers -- yes, my father was accurate, too. But he irritated the heck out of me growing up. It's fine if he figured things out but he constantly felt the need to share his thoughts out loud with everyone else, thus ruining the film(s)/TV shows/etc for me :) +5
  • I try but I'm usually wrong.
  • Well, it's not so much that we can figure the plot out...we have made it a contest. (you know old people do that)..When we're watching a movie or even just a program, we must first "announce" that we're going to " #1. Sleuth it, or #2. Super Sleuth it." #1. gives you 40 minutes of the show/movie to announce the "who done-it", and #2. you must announce within the first 15-20 minutes the "who dont-it". There are no take-backs, and you can't change your story after you've announced the plot. Then at the end of the week, the winer gets taken out to lunch, dinner, or gets to buy something just for themselves,and doesn't have to share what they bought !!! Last week I won, and I ate the whole cheese cake all by took three days, and enjoyed it with a cup of my favorit hot tea as well...two weeks ago hubby won, and he went to get a massage with two of his man-buddies...and to a new spa that I've been dieing to go to !!!ARG!!!
  • yes, it must be right above 59%
  • Not just the ending. I can be watching a supposedly new release, and it feels like I've seen it before, all the way through the movie. I know so & so will drown, and that guy over there will get shot. Oh and she's pregnant by Joe, the secret villain.
  • yes and i feel so elated when i was right.
  • yes, most of them. +4
  • Yes; if they're predictable.
  • depends on if they catch my attention at the beginning of the movie
  • Very much so, and I don't care for those kinds of movies at all. And almost every movie they make now-a-days are of that nature. Too much predictability. I don't watch them.
  • Yup. Most plots are fairly basic, and then on top of that, the majority of movies follow strict plotlines. There's only so much you can do in 90 minutes.
  • Pretty often yo...
  • Unfortunately, it happens too often for me. Sometimes it ruins the movie because too many movies rely on what they feel is a clever twist ending. When I figure it out within the first 15 minutes (i still hate M. Knight Shamalan for that Village crap) it makes for a very dull movie.
  • Almost always - "good defeats evil", "the world is saved", "The lovers get together", etc... Movies are so formulaic anymore that I often don't even care about the plot - just the actors and special affects.
  • Sometimes I can guess most of the movie in the first 10 minutes, like with a movie like Marley and Me. That's time to get up and leave immediately, rather than sit through idiotic formulaic drivel.
  • Well I saw Angels and Demons last night ( finally). i pretty much knew who was behind it the whole time..and I was right. + 5
  • Endings to movies fall into a small number of categories and it's not too difficult to see a particular ending coming up.
  • Yes and I drive myself nuts doing it.
  • Only if I've seen it a few times... then I'm more than 50% right most of the time.
  • Yes, i always guess a movie ending. mostly every movie have a same ending.. i watch some movies from this website.....

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