big ones only, not really scared from small ones.
Only after the French and the English.
AnonymousYou are joking........RIGHT
Archie BunkerEh?
no im not...BUT YOU BETTER BE AFRAID OF US...WELL SHOOT YOU WITH OUR GUNS, AND MAKE WAR WITH YOU WITH OUR WAR MACHINES...THEY DONT CALL US YANKS FOR NOTHING!!! *bang bang*...And be careful...we might introduce you to the entire line of fast food restaurants we have here...ITS LIKE A DISEASE!! THEY'LL TAKE OVER!!! WELL make EVERYBODY FAT!!!!!....MUWAHAHAHAHAHHA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COMN dude...LOL. Thats not really what were like.
Why is this under "songs and lyrics" category? Is it some kind of band or song?
Seeing as I am an American I would have to say no I am not afraid of them. I am acctually in the Navy so I support Americans whole heartedly! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!
I'm American. I'm an ex-Marine. I've fought in Iraq. I'd sooner be your friend than your enemy. War is for the weak and I am not.
Only the mean ones. The nice ones I like a lot! :)
Nah, but they might be after you for not Capitalising the A in Americans.....
no i'm not but i'm afraid of the american way.
Strange question,I am American and see very little to fear here.
Being an American myself I have to admit that there are some just looking for a place to cause trouble but there are also people here that are just the opposite.
Nah they are more of a danger to themselves than anybody else! ;)
Happy 4th of July! Artist: Lee Greenwood Title: Proud To Be An American If tomorrow all the things were gone, I’d worked for all my life. And I had to start again, with just my children and my wife. I’d thank my lucky stars, to be livin here today. ‘ Cause the flag still stands for freedom, and they can’t take that away. And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA. From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee. Across the plains of Texas, From sea to shining sea. From Detroit down to Houston, and New York to L.A. Well there's pride in every American heart, and its time we stand and say. That I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA. And I’m proud to be and American, where at least I know I’m free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA.
I think that's funny. I wonder, what Americans have you met to make you feel that way? I live here and some Americans REALLY scare me. And some Americans I'd trust my life to. And some American soldiers are already taking my life in their capable hands. And some Americans won't come home again. Everyone here knows someone in THAT category.
fear me
I'm a Canadian.. The type of people you would be afraid of in the USA are the same types of people you would be afraid of in Canada also. You know them -- aggressive, weird looking (to us very sedate 'older' types)and maybe not too pleasant looking. The problems seem to be the worst in the BIG cities (both countries).
Bowie! :D
Viva The SCO Alliance.
Is this the kind of fear that makes Americans able to come to your house and demand things of you without repercussion? I could be into that.
don't know any, so no.
I'm afraid of Americans. I'm afraid of the world. I'm afraid I can't help it.
You got to toughen-up, since America Is home of the (Brave) and land of the free =)
BOOO! Hi, Strange 1! Did I scare you? That's about as scary as I get and I'm an American. No, I'm not afraid of Americans like me.
Why do you fear Americans?
I'm American and you don't have to be afraid of me ... or anyone else I've ever known here either. May I ask what your fear is based on??
What's to be afraid of?
I'm American and yes, I'm sometimes afraid of my fellow countrymen. On the large scale, we are uneducated and mean. But you shouldn't be afraid of all of us. There are some good people on this continent.
No, why?
No. I am one.
I'm American, I love America, and I'm afraid of Americans because they are so stupid. America is like a retarded person walking around in the ghetto, holding a gun, wearing a bunch of gold jewelry.
hex yeah there's one staring at me right now. Oh that's my little brother. =P
No. But if I wasn't one, I probably would be. We have aggression issues.
Not anymore than folks from Berkshire, UK. ;)
Don't stereotype. Not all Americans are bad people.
PPl from the US? Canadians and Mexicans are American also, so are Brazilians, Peruvians, etc America isn't a country, it is however comprised of 2 continents like the French, Germans, Swiss, etc are all European
lol not the ones from where I'm from
Not afraid... Just don't like them all that much.
You shall not be afraid of people because their origin, but what they have done/do.
why on earth are you afraid of americans?
I just arrived from US. They are frightening, because they are afraid of themselves, it was different some years ago. It is really a nightmare there. I am so sorry to say it. I was there in 1980, 1990, 2000, in 2006 and 2008. I tried to help, but they are rediculously paranoid. I can not do anything with them only laughing at them., I did it at the Canadian-American border what I crossed several times. They are (customers on both side) much worse than ours were in the darkest communist era. It is a catastroph what is going on there, between two "free countries".
I'm afraid of the world. I'm afraid I can't help it. I'm afraid.
Only the Republicans
Some of them scare the sh*t out of me.
You should be. We're all mutts with attitude! : D
You better be afraid of the extreme Islam. Americans are just fine!!
Not all of them. I am one, so I kinda like me.
Nah i am not afraid of someone until i get to know the person better, so i can decide by having my own opinion (not based on origin or race)
This is the most ridiculous question I have come across. No, I am not afraid of Americans!!! Not even the ones I disagree with. America, IMHO, is still the greatest country in the world. Look how many people are still trying to get in, legally and otherwise. You'd be better off being afraid of your own narrow mind. Most Americans, no matter what their political stance or views are basically very good people. And as for all of you who are "scared" of us, don't trust or dislike us, take a look in your history books and see how much the United States has done to help other countries.
i am an american. and if i was from a different country i would be because we are vicious and we dont take crap from nobody. i personally dont believe in violence or anything but i know how us americans can get. i have a little bit of a violent streak.its in our blood
Great Bowie's song! Not really, I'm more afraid of their politicians than the citizens.. :P
Love that song!!! +++'s I'm not afraid of anyone though so guess that a no, (for me and BOWIE).
Only the one's who dont speak any english at all.
Only scared of the Clintons
Every rational person is afraid of the Fourth Reich America has become.
No, I visit the USA often. Why are you afraid?
I don't subscribe to general stereotype labels like "Americans" I met an ailen once and they said to me " I am afraid of humans" I answered them the same way.
not really unless one of them gives me a reason to be afraid of them
Then stay out of America!
no cause inn one of thenn, cant afford to be afraid of thenn
In general? Nope.
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