The Brits.
Kenya... if only because of the catchy song, "only in Kenya"
A tie between Canada and Australia.
Which everyone has the most nukes!
Yes I agree, Britain. They are on all my favorite shows after all.
Average citezens make the country and they are all great.
Italy for the culture, and I'm sure their are many others doing better economically than us
Sweeden. We are about the 20th.
I could be equally happy in Austraila, New Zealand, Canada or the UK.
I am going to half to go with America itself, I know that is unheard of, but what can I say, I am not that happy with the way America has gone since i have been around.
Air Strip One. Or, as the natives insist on calling it, the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, N.Z., Germany.
Denmark!! >.>
Denmark :D Everyone go visit :D
Most of them would probably say the USA but the Cubans and Venezuelans would probably say each other. The people in the USA (except the aborigines) would probably say whatever country they or their ancestors came from. The aborigines in the USA would probably say the USA (pre-columbian America being their 1st choice).
It's just America #1 - and everywhere else
The answer is CANADA without any doubt.
have no idea
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