• Combinations at Hold'em: 1) Royal flush 2) Straight flush 3) Four of a kind 4) Full house 5) Flush 6) Straight 7) Three of a kind 8) Two pairs 9) Pair 10) High card All-in helps you so that you can stay in game even if you have less chips then the bet is. So, if I bet like 1000 chips, and you only have 400, you can go all-in. If I win, I get all the chips on the table, if you win, you get 800 (400x2). Because you can't get more from me then you bet. If you have any more poker questions, feel free to ask me :)
  • The All in feature shows strength in your hand. When someone calls your all in they really must believe they have a stronger hand than you. Going all in really makes them think or it should.

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