The standard answer is prostitute... even primates are likely to give out more readily in response to gifts
Professional apple eater. Adam was the first employed to do something.
Linda Joy
Eve told him to. My first thought was parenting, but the apple came before the parenting! -
From additional studies, it was most likely the fig and not the apple that Eve ate and gave to Adam.
There was not many but maybe slightly more choice than there is during the economic recession! ~Jobcentreplus Home Page~ We found no jobs matching your criteria Following vacancies are: Village Prostitute Bramble Picker Bear Stalker (Click here to refine your seach)
Rancher/Farmer??? +5
Either hunter or gatherer, depending on how our original ancestors fell on the carnivore-omnivore-herbivore scale.
Food Production
I know you always hear that it is prostitution, but that isn't really a profession. I think banking is the oldest profession, strangely enough.
prostitute and carpenter
I would say, prostitution would have to be.
Prostitute maybe, but if you can classify "Guy who beats/kills other guys and takes their stuff" as a profession (Mugger?) then maybe that. Gotta be one of the two.
Merchant. profession is described as "Anyway in which you earn money to live" and money wasn't even used, it was around 5000 BC that metal objects were used as money. In the old time people farmed and hunted to make food to eat but then merchants from Mesopotamia started to buy food from the farmers and setup markets to sell it so people who cannot grow or hunt their food they were able to get their food. So technically the oldest profession in the world is the profession of trade.
Loan shark
Everyone keeps repeating the old adage and saying prostitution, but I have to disagree. I think soldiering is the oldest profession.
Farmer or Shepherd.
Construction work at the Slate Rock and Gravel Company.
Food gatherer, followed by Hunter
Most people would say prostitution , but Carpentry is more like it
Creator. The first thing humans did was to learn and name animals. As for a profession? They gathered food then hunted then clothed themselves then parented.
Prostitution 😈
Adam's son, Cain, was a tiller of the ground whereas Able, his other son was a shepherd of sheep. Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to care for it so maybe his was the first profession. These are the first professions mentioned in the Bible.
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