• I think I heard something about him being Turkish.
  • He was born in Nicomedia which is in modern day Turkey. He died on this date in 303 near modern day Tel Aviv.
  • I found this on Google. Ancient Rome as Nationality could be right because Rome controlled most of the civilized world at that time. Born: ? Died: 23-Apr-303 AD Cause of death: unspecified Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Occupation: Religion Nationality: Ancient Rome Executive summary: Patron saint of England, Spain and Portugal
  • 275 - Born in Lydda, Palestine. Patron of chivalry, and guardian saint of England and Portugal. 287 - When he was seventeen, he too became a soldier like his father, and the shining sword, which he then buckled on, was kept all his life as stainless as his honor. He never drew it in a wrong cause, but held it as a trust given to him to defend the right and protect the weak and helpless. 303 - St. George tortured to make him deny his faith in Christ. He showed incredible courage and faith and was finally beheaded near Lydda in Palestine. His head was later taken to Rome where it was interred in the church dedicated to him. Sadly, for some Turkey and Palestine is the same thing, referring to some other answers. Albina
  • Who is/was St George, and why isn't he mentioned in the bible?
  • He was a subject of the Roman Empire.

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