no. cant think of a flag id want outside my house
No. But I do have an upside-down flag spray-painted on my living room wall with the letters "SPQR" over it.
No... Mainly because Britain is an overly PC country which doesn't hang flags outside our houses like in the States - and if we did, some idiot is likely to complain to the council that by putting a British flag outside my own house I have in some way offended an ethnic minority, and I would be asked to remove it. I'm sure if I put up a British or English flag at any time other than the Olympics or World Cup somebody would also accuse me of being racist. Pathetic. Rant over.
no but i think i will put up an American flag one of these days
No, it isn't something I have ever considered doing.
Yes, we fly it on certain holidays and sometimes more.
I do - US flag as I am an American.
we do around the 4th of July we fly Old Glory
Nope. I believe in exhibiting my preferences from a place of person. My examples of the things that I believe in should and are shown on my being and in the example of my life and how I live it... Not by some piece of cloth that tells too much and never enough all at the same time.
No. I don't fancy becoming the weird house with the flag. Maybe if it was a glittery flag.
Yes, on Independence Day.
I live in an apartment so it is not practical to hang a flag outside. Even if that was not the case I doubt that I would hang one, I just have never felt the need to, I see nothing wrong with people that do hang flags.
I have in the past, but not at the moment.
Just plain NOPE!
Yes we have a flag in our yard.
Nope. I think condoning your government's power is insane.
Damn right I do! American flag, P.O.W Flag, Dont tread On Me Flag and a U.S. Marine Flag on two different flag poles.
Yes, I just took down the Easter flag a few days ago.
Just a few irish flags on the inside.One on my bedroom ceiling too.
No, I don't. I personally see no point in it.
Yes, we proudly do as my hubby is a Veteran.
Yes.It's the American flag.
Why, yes. How did you know?
I always have but took it down when obama was elected.
I have, I may again. It is not an everyday thing.
8/11/2023, no again.
I live in an apt. I don't hang a flag outside my window.
No flagpoles
No flagpoles
No flagpoles
No flagpoles
No flagpoles
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