• take a look at this link it will tell you all about pethadine. yes they are addictive and i would go to my doctors for advise if i was feeling i was becoming addicted to them
  • Yes, Pethidine can be addictive. Pethidine (INN) or meperidine (USAN) (also referred to as: isonipecaine; lidol; operidine; pethanol; piridosal; Algil®; Alodan®; Centralgin®; Demerol®; Dispadol®; Dolantin®; Dolargan® (in Poland)[1]; Dolestine®; Dolosal®; Dolsin®; Mefedina®) is a fast-acting opioid analgesic drug. In the United States, it is more commonly known as meperidine or by its brand name Demerol. Pethidine is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, and is delivered as its hydrochloride salt in tablets, as a syrup, or by intramuscular or intravenous injection. Like other opioid drugs, pethidine has the potential to cause physical dependence or addiction. In fact, pethidine may be more addictive than other opioids because of its exceptionally rapid onset of action and associated "rush", and additional activity as a monoamine transporter inhibitor, which results in cocaine-like stimulant effects in addition to its typical opioid effects. If you are having problems, please do not delay in seeing your physician and expressing your concerns to her.
  • Pethidine is an opiate based drug, and so can be addictive. This does not mean that you will have an awful time stopping them, it just means that you have unusual and possibly unpleasant symptoms for a while as your body adjusts. I'm guessing they were prescribed for some sort of injury or post-operative pain, in which case, ask the doctor who gave you the prescription, as the dose and regimen they prescribed for you will be tailored to your requirements, and they should be the best person to ask. If this is not a possibility, ask your local doctor (e.g. a GP in the UK, family physician if elsewhere).
  • i was given pethidine tablets(50mg) all throughout my pregnancy and for a further 3 months after id given birth due to having gull stones. that was 9 years ago and they are very addictive!! they did not wean me off the drug they just stopped me suddenly and i have been suffering from deppression ever since. this drug is,in my eyes, dangerous as i still now, after 9 years, crave for these pills but cannot get any. please try and wean yourself from them and try another pain killer. give them to me lol!!!

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