• My birthday is the day before valentines day. I was SUPPOSE TO BE born then. I will be righting "Ill give you a dozen roses, 11 real 1 fake. And tell you I love you untill the last one dies."
  • To my beautiful Gina Thankyou for sharing the last 17 years with me ... I love you Moto
  • my darlingest kavita, being away from me for 28 days made me realized how much you mean to me. during your absence i discussed our sex life briefly on Answerbag and promised an update when you return.i am eager to break our old record. happy valentines day my love. you are the love of my life.start taking off your clothes,my first update is due in two hours.oh!i forget to tell you,i bought some liquid viagra.get two shot glasses,please. may all your tiredness be ejaculated today. love you,love you, love you. see you! spunts.
  • I sent flowers to my fiance at the time,about 9 years ago,red roses to his work.By the way im a woman who said women cant send flowers lol
  • I will write a poem to put with my flowers on a grave , but the feeling and love will not be any the less real
  • "Passion is a word which involves so many feelings; i feel it when we touch; i feel it when we kiss; i feel it when i look at you for you are my one true love. I love you baby, and this is the start of what would be called the best day of your ready".

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