Imo, the "Head On" commercials are the worst. And the commercials where they parody themselves are even worse. Some of the people on the commercials are creepy, and listening to them repeat themselves makes me want to throw my TV out the window!
"HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE (fill in the blank)."
Oh my goodness the frosties advert "its gonna taste great,its gonna taste great,i can hear the sound of frosties hitting my plate..."
The burger king commericials with the creepy peeping tom king and the 'big buckin chicken' and the 'we're all full of sit' commercials. I know thats more than one, but I hate those. Makes me think their food is probably gross too.
Two words: Meow Mix. (The one where they keep saying meow, over, and over, and over...)
All of the burger king commercials with the king in them. Makes me hesitant to turn into BK when I think of them.
The Alan Thicke timeshare resort commercial AND the Hanes womens underwear commercial where they are doing the tumbling exercises in their underwear. Yeah, like my girlfriends and I really break out the tumbling mats and core stability training balls and do cartwheels in our underwear...yep...all the time.
Quiznos had a commercial a few years ago that was extremely bad. These gross little animals that looked like a cross between rats and moles sang a jingle. The voices were distorted and gravely. It certainly didn't make you want to eat there. It wasn't on the air very long. It may have been a local production. At that time, Quiznos had just begun (or is it began?) developing the Oklahoma area. LOL [EDIT]===>>> I've found the commercial and posted it for your viewing pleasure.
anything to do with zit commercials. just discusting
The WB Network ads with the frog wearing a tuxedo and a top hat. That frog came from an old cartoon about a man who discovered a frog hidden inside the wall of a building that was being torn down. The frog turn out to be a great showman, sing and dance like crazy, long as nobody else but that man was watching...the frog was no good for an audience. Isn't that the worst mascot for a TV Network, a performer that can't do anything right when an audience is watching?....What a bad idea!
- What message are they sending?!
Those Countrywide Loan commericals that keep popping up several times an hour with the same pitchman but different phone numbers. "So you're gonna end up with a lot more cash"
Starburst berries and cream
All of the "Got Milk" commercials. Those have got to be the Stupidest commercials ever made.
There's this really corny commercial that has been banned due to profane words.
Worst: HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! Best: The commercial by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) which features the first-person view of a driver as he drinks progressively more glasses, until he crashes. Quite simple, but effective.
Those assasin moms in the Burger King ads. Nothing funny about that, and am so glad they pulled them. Best still may be "10:30, Diet Coke break."
Can't think of the worse one - a lot of bad adverts! The best one has to be that one about anoroxia years back, with the girl looking in the mirror and seeing herself as fat, then the camera turns round and you see that the reflection wasn't real, it's what she thinks she sees. The girl is actually skin and bones. It really struck a chord.
Worst: The one for a swiffer mop, or duster, where the woman is talking to what you suppose is a man. She says that he just doesn't cut it, and she has to move on. Then it shows a duster in a chair. BEST: The skittles commercial with the singing rabbit. "Ya ya ya ya ya ya yaaaaa"
Worst: The ad that warns against internet piracy that shows up at the beginning of so many DVDs. I find it absolutely unnecessarily loud and annoying. Best: Most of the Geico ads with the talking green lizard.
I think all car commercials are the worst. They show you things that you cannot or should not do with their cars. What fun is that? The best commercial is for "Scoop Away" cat litter because I can see me climbing on the roof to get my cat and sliding off it.
I hat the commercials, I think they are Geico, where they spotted Jed from the Beverely Hillbilles, or Fred Flinstone, DUMB. I love the Bud light commercial they did a few years ago, during the Superbowl, of course, where the lady is up in her bedroon, in a nighty, trying to entice her husband to stop watching TV and come upstairs, when she says she has a bud light, he he goes flying up the stairs run into the bedroom, lands on the bed , well she has satin sheets on the bed and he ends sliding across their bed and flying out the window, LMAO.
There are too many "worst" ones to count, but as for the best, the one where there's these guys sitting around (watching nascar?) eating oreo's and they're making car noises like YUUUUMMMMMM!!! While they lick the oreo creme. I crack up every time! :)
Pepto-Bismol. The one with the singing and giants that have nausea, heartburn, indegestion, an upset stomach, and diarrhea.
Free Credit Report Dot Com....F-R-E-E....god, how aweful!
The Jello commercial - wiggle while you jiggle
Head On - Apply directly to the forehead. Head On - Apply directly to the forehead. Head On - Apply directly to the forehead.
there was a political commercial in Canada years ago that was really defamatory toward Jean Chretien (it actually said things like 'would you like someone like this to represent your country?' 'isn't he an embarrassment to our society?)..It was obviously directed toward the way Chretien spoke only out of 1 side of his mouth. He had had polio as a child. The ad was extremely distasteful and was rapidly pulled...(and no the people who placed the ad didn't win the election)
any commercial where a musician or band (that i loved) "sold out" to have some corporation use their music. thats just sucking the devil's cock and it makes me sad.
Yep, I'm not alone on the Burger King ones . . . though I love Whoppers. Looks like I'm not the only one that finds him scary:
Any erectile dysfunction commercial. The guy can't throw the football through the tire. ...yatta, yatta, yatta.
How about the "BAM' man....who seems to YELL WHILE EXPLAINING ABOUT HOW GREAT "BAM" IS ON EVERYTHING! (Umm, or is it oxyclean?) Also, are those other commercials real?? I have never seen those! LOL! Those are terrible!
Those Jared jewelry store commercials...I despise them.. "He went to Jared." *gasp* "He went to Jared?" "He went to Jared!!" and again, *gasp* "He went to Jared!!"
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I agree. There is nothing about Jared that stands out against Kay. Its not like Jared is like Tiffany. lol
Head-On. Apply it directly to the forehead. Head-On. Apply it directly to the forehead. Head-On. Apply it directly to the forehead. Head-On. Apply it directly to the forehead.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I like the commercial but it is telling you the product is a ripoff by the quality of it and the actors. It looks slimy.
Make mine a double! Similar to the doublemint thing but this was about a woman's pad, you know, double the protection.
Head On Loud, annoying, invasive, poorly written produced and acted. I don't care that I remember the ad I won't buy it or give them reason to do more bad commercials. I always mute that ad or change the channel.
All of them. Commercials are not a sensible way to fund television stations.
I really hate them all, but the one I hate the most right now is the new Converse commercial....ya know, where it says "ME" and then the M slowly turns upsidedown to say "WE," while "One Love" plays in the background. It's so annoying, I just want it to stop.
In Chicago, the worst ones were Eagle Man (Eagle Insurance) and Peter Francis Geraci (Bankruptcy Attorney).
It's got to be... HEAD ON APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! I mean really though, it's genius. It's so awful it's genius. I love it in it's pure insanity!
These really get to me!
Right after the Atkins diet became a fad, KFC tried to pass for "Health Food," I think that was the worst commercial ever! BTW, some health organization complained and KFC took their ad off the air before anyone could say "clogged artery."
It's really hard to come up with just one since just about 99.9% of the commercials out there are either totaly retarded or just plain stupid as shit.
I think of what would embarrass my dad the most (he passed away in 1960)..I think the sexual dysfunction ads..the proliferation of them..something that is private and in my opinion should remain private and not romanticized..its just sales hacks huckerstering to sell ya is not noble, does not advance peace on earth, does not promote understanding among people..just companies doing a sales job. It's tacky, trashy and undignified.
That new commercial for Secret with that extremely annoying woman walking around with her arms up blabbing about how fresh she is! Every time I see that commercial, I want the cabbie to run her over!
Taco Bell has made some awful ones lately, but I think ads for local legal services ("ambulance chasers") are the worst of all. You know, the ones that say "Actual Client" at the bottom of the screen, and show testimonials of the dumbest people vouching for the lawyers.
Head on apply directly to the forehead, head on apply directly to the forehead!
I don't know about the worst ever, but Immodium's new tag line is pretty bad...."Immodium...Don't let diarrhea keep you occupied," said while showing an image of a bathroom door with an occupied's pretty sick!
Do all those balloons hold the products of leaks? Or just the yellow ones....Hate that commercial. Some things, including ED, should be addressed in the drs office, not on tv.
This one is really bad if you are not watching the images. I get the song stuck in my head and it is the worst anti drug song ever. I'll lose weight and my house will be clean. Horrible way to put it.
Vivaaaaaaaaa Viagra! And all the other ED commercials. No, make that all the other drug commercials.
Boy, this is pretty hard.... Malaysian commercials don't make any sense, while those TV Shopping programmes make it all to obvious, Wendy's "Fresh Food Made Fast"~....I just don't get it! But I'd go for the first one ; ).
These always made me think of roadkill. Who wants to think of roadkill when they're eating a sandwich?
Male enhancement. In fact any pill commercials are so out of hand these days I cannot beleive what they think they can force down people's throats. The great build up and then five minutes of side effects including cancer and death.
The LIberty Mutual commercial with the "Wet Teddy-bears" it makes No Sense. Its like something they invented on the fly because their original idea made no sense. Actually, all the Liberty Mutual commercials with the E-MU are just terrible. I want to turn off the TV. Whoever made them should be fired.
I haven't watched tv regularly in 10 years or so. But the commercial that made me boycott Charmin was the commercial where everyone was yelling at mom to fetch the tissue like a lap dog! Evidently these animals were not properly potty trained!!
TV, no idea. But I absolutely f**cking HATE at 8-7-7 Cars for Kids commercial on the radio. I HATE THAT STUPID SONG.
The commercials that are called "news" stories are truly utterly pathetic.
Hard to say if these are the worst ever, but certainly questionable music choices: a flying car (VW?) with "Spirit in the Sky" playing. Does it mean the car is a deathtrap? A cruise ship ad with "White Rabbit" playing. I'd skip the drinks. Preparation H ad playing ... "Ring of Fire." Ow.
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