Well africa. But if you meen the oldest history on record then probably china or america but seriously you'd have to ask an expert.
In my opinion, it's a toss-up between Egypt, Iraq, Turkey and China. Take a look at these links for more information:
Iraq is considered the cradle of civilization. The Garden of Eden was there. There is much in the way of secular archeological data that has been uncovered in Iraq to document itโs ancient history including evidence of life in the ancient city of Ur, where Abraham came from.
If the bible is to be believed (and I see no reason to dispute it's historical parts, apart from the dating), then the area we now call Iraq has the oldest documented history. Of course this is not to say that there aren't areas where humanids lived previously, but their history was never documented, and I assume that's what you mean.
China probably, but the middle east Egypt Iraq, Iran. Turkey all have history going back far further than any western civilisation can record. The link between Turkey and Iraq is very strong historically although they only have one thing in common now and that is hatred and fear of the Kurds. Both countries have Christian shrines and places mentioned in the bible. In Turkey they still care for all the religious shrines although the country is Muslim. The Christian sites are beautifully kept and cared for, I have visited St pauls home and shrine in Tarsus a town almost as far as you can go before you hit what used to be Kurdistan.
I think its Canada
According to tradition, San Marino is known as the world's oldest republic. The tiny republic was founded by a Christian stonemason named Marino (or Saint Marinus) on September 3, in the year 301 C.E. From:
Anyone choose India with its, mahenjo daro and harappa remains ?
Well it depends on the definition of country and history. Following settlement (in today's Turkey) was definitely very old: "รatalhรถyรผk /รยงรโtรโl hรธjyk/ (also รatal Hรถyรผk and รatal Hรผyรผk, or any of the three without diacritics; รงatal is Turkish for "fork", hรถyรผk for "mound") was a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement in southern Anatolia, dating from around 7500 BC for the lowest layers. It is perhaps the largest and most sophisticated Neolithic site yet uncovered." "However, it is more properly described as a large village rather than a true town, city or civilization." An interesting point: it is probable that these people worshiped a female deity. Quelle:
the problem is that most people consider turkey,afghanistan,iraq,syria and many other parts of the middle east as different countries while its an incorrect comparison,you cant consider the current map of the oldest part of the world,the midle east,while you talk about the history and these countries origin.what is proved ;they all used to be a part of Great Persia,which now a days is called Iran,since almost 6 decades ago.the oldest nation in the world is Iran which dates back to 6000 years ago.
According to what I remember of my studies in Humanities, civilization began in four places in the world, seemingly spontaneously: The Middle East, around the Fertile Crescent of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Sumer being the first of many); China, by the Yang Tze river; India, near the Indus river (this area is now known as Pakistan); Egypt, near the Nile River Valley. These mark the first places that "Civilization" with it's six requirements, were first seen. It supposedly happened all about the same time... the Six Aspects of Civilization are: Urban Centers Distinct Social Classes A form of government to regulate people's actions The use of Tools, Skills, manufacturing and trade A form of Written Communication Shared religious beliefs
africa sinse man origonated from this continnent
It is evident that most here are awswering this question from an Europian perspective.From a factual perpective taking all thing into account the oldest civilization and the origin of present man is the Nile river vally,Ancient Mesopotamia was actually south of Egypt.The Chaldian town of Ur Birth place of Abraham was probably no more than a village since he was the first hebrew.Even if we use the bible as a historical at that point had busling civilization with a written language,a moral code,stone masonary,and slaves for a couple of thousand years.This is very hard to realize looking at it from the Euro American perspective,but the Greeks,and Romans learned from the Egyptians when they yet had a written language.Homer the first known Europian writer admits that he learned at the feet of the Egyptian priest.
All these things are rubbish. The oldest of the history in the world is of India. Any body learned history of india???. Then u people will be knowing that
According to me India & pakistan has the oldest history. ( pakistan was part of india by that time ).The Hadappa & sindh civilazation is oldest in world as discovered by archaeologist. These are in India and some part in pakistan.According to Hindu religions'book, they described some Gods and their evidence available till date. NASA found from sattelite several oldest things which are already written in Hindu's books. For eg,NASA found bridge between INDIA & shri lanka inside sea. It s mentioned in hindu books already that it is there and 6000 years ago it was made. Egypt culture and India culture has many similarities, Might be they both are inter related at some point
China and the Middle east.
If history is defined as a written record of man's past, then it would by definition be whichever country in which writing was first developed. Which one was that again? Anybody?
Iraq I believe, but it wasn't called that in the ancient times though.
Well, whenever the first caveman drew a picture on a wall- That's the first bit of recorded history!
Africa becasue it is said humans came from africa in the first place and greece , roman are most likely orginally from ancient egypt that in africa so Africa is my answer
Iraq. The earliest historical record comes from Mesopotamia in the Fertile Crescent in what is now Iraq. Africa is a continent people, not a country.
Iraq... ok Iraq might not exist at that time, BUT the place where Iraq now stand is the oldest known to mankind as Adam and Eve set their foot on that place for the first time
I believe that Ancient INDIA is the country which has the Oldest history.This is the land of great human values and spritualism. Most of the newly discovered science, its filed,roots,sub roots and classification had already well explained within the great Vedic Indian Scripts. It is so well preserved & explained that one has to think profoundly with very high intellect in each script written in the Vedas. The western and the Indian scientists still continue in a very high intellectual way of research on vedas and find the undiscovered truths which are far beyond the scope of the present day technology and science. These Vedas were well written in the past before any other civilization has started. There are facts and events which are happened in the ancient Indian civilization even far before the ancient Vedas. The today's science and research on vedas and the ancient civilization,is still under process to discover those happened events and facts to bring them into the limelite.Of which some them which were dicovered, gave away the essence of the peaceful civilization and its heritage to the present rippled World. First of all as a normal human being I pray and salute to the Great Ancient Indian civilization which taught this world Peace, srituality and the very basic human values which the present civilized world is at an edge to loose them in its growing boundaries. May every nation attain Peace and harmony and strive for the glory of this human world.Peace Peace Peace
Do you mean written history? The oldest written documents come from Mesopotamia (modern Iran-Iraq). wiki says: The original Mesopotamian writing system was derived from this method of keeping accounts, and by the end of the 4th millennium BC,[2] this had evolved into using a triangular-shaped stylus pressed into soft clay for recording numbers. This was gradually augmented with pictographic writing using a sharp stylus to indicate what was being counted. Round-stylus and sharp-stylus writing was gradually replaced by writing using a wedge-shaped stylus (hence the term cuneiform), at first only for logograms, but evolved to include phonetic elements by the 29th century BC. Around the 26th century BC, cuneiform began to represent syllables of spoken Sumerian. Also in that period, cuneiform writing became a general purpose writing system for logograms, syllables, and numbers, and this script was adapted to another Mesopotamian language, Akkadian, and from there to others such as Hurrian, and Hittite. Scripts similar in appearance to this writing system include those for Ugaritic and Old Persian. -------- After that, Turkmenistan, China, Egypt, the Indus Valley and then the Phoenicians (whose script is the ancestor of all the European scripts, plus of the Arabic based and Hebrew ones) BUT IF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT HISTORY AS A WHOLE: then you include prehistory. Prehistory involves assessing the remains left from cultures and civilisations and rebuilding those from the information gained. In this, the Australian Aboriginals have the longest still existing culture, because they have left caved designs on walls dating back over 60 000 years. Even Europe and the Middle East cannot rival that.
To be specific South Africa. There is a world heritage site called the Cradle of Humankind. One has to consider that all the continents were join and then split from Africa. The natural progression soon followed. As man evolved so did the culture and history. The first homo sapiens were found on the Africa continent. Cave drawings are in abundance and tell of stories of the time. So sorry but the facts dont lie. The guy that said that Australia and its first inhabitants had a history of 60 000 years....well Archaeological finds within the Cradle of Humankind also include 2-million-year-old stone tools. Human history starts here with no mythology involved.
The one that started first?! ;-)
I would say Egypt or Iraq. Egypt obviously has things like the sphinx Iraq has Mesopotamia and Hammurabi's Law I don't think one really knows but hopefully that will guide you in the right direction
i wuld go with GEORGIA, ARMENIA TRKEY ,,,,around there
By virtue of the ability to write being the beginning of history, that would be the city of Akkad in the Levant (Mesopotamia). Located today in Iraq and south of Babylon. Writing first appeared about 3900 BCE on pottery stamps and clay tablets. Hundreds of thousands of documents have been discovered. Covered everything of trade, production, workers hours and output, tools etc. The Epic of Gilgamesh was a standard to learning the language. About a thousand years later Egyptians began developing their writing. But Akkadian was the only language for nearly 1000 years in written form, at least proven to have survived.
100% iraq the land of eden garden and home of the first civilization
A new place was discoverd in PERSIA(IRAN) with more than 10000 years CIVILIZATION.It is the oldest one even older than the one in IRAQ.with this discovery PERSIA(IRAN) became older than HISTORY. you can find more information in :
PERSIA (IRAN) you can find more Information in:
That would be present day Iraq at a location north of the ruins of the old city of Babylon. The location, and flattened ruins is a city named Akkad. There the Akkadian language was developed about 3900 BCE. No other written language came along until the Egyptians about 1200 years later. 100's of thousands of original documents. The writing media they chose was clay. Turned into bricks. Even a nuclear war wouldn't destroy them. History is defined as being recorded by written record. To the guy mentioning Persia, that would be c contender for pre-history as civilizations arose ther. But for earliest civilizations, I would put up Jericho, Antioch, the island of Crete,Babylon, Ur, Ur-ak, . All of which date to between 8000 and 9500 BCE. They are still deciding just how old and which one.
If you define 'history' as the written record - it is definitely China. Otherwise, Africa
"History" technically refers to written documentation. Mere existance prior to extant documents belongs to the realm of pre-history and Archaeology. The oldest surviving written documentation are Egyptian hieroglyphics from about 3200 BC and cuneiform writings of Mesopotamia at about the same time. However, the oldest continually inhabited city in the world is Damascus, Syria, which was founded sometime before 5000 BCE, and perhaps even earlier than 6000 BCE. Jericho was first settled even before that, but has been abandoned and resettled several times. Nations in the modern sense, however, are really a modern idea and all have a fairly recent beginning, though Japan probably has the best claim to having the oldest continuous "national/cultural identity", dating back about 14 centuries. China's culture(s) is of course older, but they really aren't "one nation of one people", but several, and there have been many times the empire was divided and/or ruled by foreign dynasties. Finally, though not countries, the Jews and the Gypseys are without a doubt the two oldest surviving cultures/nationalities today, each with origins over 35 centuries ago.
Iran or persia is the oldest one...befor jesus persia had civilization...jesus wasnt born on that time...for the people who say that iran is not can be claimed it is...iranian language is what finally??? just becuase iran does not have democrasi and good means that they did not have civilization??... iran was the first...
Iran or persia is the oldest one...befor jesus persia had civilization...jesus wasnt born on that time...for the people who say that iran is not can be claimed it is...iranian language is what finally??? just becuase iran does not have democrasi and good means that they did not have civilization??... iran was the first...
i would say ethiopia since thatys were humans were ment to have oringinated from
Perhaps a bit nitpicky, but the country with the oldest history is China. Let me first acknowledge that I assume that by "country", the question refers to a single, cohesive political and cultural entity. Although Iraq, i.e. Sumer does antedate Chinese history, Sumer as a country has not existed for more than a millenia, and Iraq has only existed since the British colonial days in the 1920s. China was first formed as a country in 221 B.C.E. making it the oldest existing country on the planet.
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