• It's something else.
  • I don't believe in him because there is no proof he ever existed, even though there are records of people from that time. And before you go saying that there is, every single claim of a record of Jesus written at the time (that is not in the Bible) has been proved invalid/false/fraudulent. And - the bible is not evidence of Jesus' existence. You need more than one source for proof of that. Is that a good enough reason?
  • My college education leads me to believe in things other than religion as a source of life and the way things work. I am a victim of my knowledge.
  • i believe that jesus was a real person, i believe that he thought that he was crucified because he wanted to sacrifice himself for us, i dont believe he was the son of god, i dont believe god has a need to do that.
  • Yes I beleive in Jesus! You have free will to decide the way you live, Just don't break the Commanments!
  • Its really Okey enough to say jesus doesnt exist..we never saw him. And we have all the right to voice our opinions. But..did you ever stopped and think how this world was created? Who created this world? certainly someyone did..Did you ever stopped and think how beautiful and what a miracle it is everyday to just wake up and feel strong? Did you ever stoped and think how hundreds of miracles happen every day when a mother gives birth and a baby is born? Did you ever stopped and think who created such a big world and the sun and millions of other things?The universe? Stop and think now...who do you think created these things?
  • Er...does not compute. I can't NOT believe in Jesus and then decide to spite Jesus by saying I don't believe in him because he won't let me have my way. That makes no sense. You believe or you don't, if you believe in Jesus but are angry at him, that belief is strong enough to warrant its stay with you. You need to cease to assume that all atheists or folks from a different religious branch than you hate Jesus or God. I've explained plenty of times why I don't believe in God, as the concept of religion being a manifestation of our psychological need for safety, and maintained by a sense of guidance. God is too human, although I know that the direct argument for this is "we are made in God's image". I can't be convinced of the existence of a god when it stems solely from the need to fight back against the inevitable, or to justify our pains and woes on divine will.
  • I do believe that Jesus walked the face of the Earth and died on the cross, but I want to do my own thing at the same time. This is why I don't believe I am saved.
  • I don't believe in Jesus because god is nothing but a fabrication of mankinds inability to deal with the mysteries of life and death.
  • I believe in Jesus, but I don't believe he was a god. He was simply a nice guy that tried to help humanity. We all know if he came back and did the same things he would be looked at as a weird guy and would probably be poor and struggling just like the rest of us.
  • I believe that Jesus was a real person in the same way that I believe that Plato and Nefertiti are real people. I just don't believe in god or religion.
  • Your question makes a very shitty assumption and represents the very worst element of Christianity. Christianity, because of it's cherrypicking, hypocritical standards actually has easier rules to live by then most religions. In fact, I know atheists who live more morally upright lives than most christians. I give the benefit of the doubt that Jesus may have existed, despite the fact that there is ZERO proof he even existed as a man. I feel that he probably existed, but would have no idea what the religion Paul made up was.

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