Kids β†’ Pregnancy β†’ Abortion
  • someone please answer this question, i just want to know.
  • I think abortion is wrong, simply because I honestly believe that a fetus IS a living human being. Just go through with the pregnancy and put it up for adoption. There are plenty of people that want kids and cant have them. Me and my wife both have type RH blood which means we wont be able to have children. We will have to adopt. I'M PRO LIFE ALL THE WAY
  • Where I stand: # I am pro-Choice. # I do not consider a foetus to be a human life yet. # I think abortion should be a matter discussed by the potential child's parents. # I do not believe rape-victims (for example) should have to bear the product of a crime if they did not want to.
  • You can view my blog. I've written extensive articles on abortion.
  • abortion, very hard. I can't possible imagine all the motives a person could have to have an abortion until I can do it and manage to disregard each and everyone of them I can't say I'm totally against it.
  • I'm pro choice and think a women should have the right to make the decisions with that she wants to do with the Fetus. I don't really agree with late term abortion, if the baby could technically live outside of the women even with medical help, just give the baby up for adoption if your that far along in the pregnancy. If your just having sex and not being responsible , then I feel you should take care of the baby and live with the consequence, your having sex and know what could happen. Also if the baby could have a defect or disease I really don't know where I stand on the issue, a part of me says let the baby live and let mother nature take its course, and then I think of the horrible life the child could have. Oh and I don't think I would ever be able to have an abortion and live with myself!
  • I am against abortion, plain and simple. Without going into to much depth, I will simply say that I feel it is wrong to kill a person at any stage in life.
  • i think it is murder. if you dont want children dont make them in the first place. yes i know accidents happen but you could adopt the baby then it as a chance at life. where would we all be now if our mums thought "oh its only a foetus i will just go and kill it"
  • Wll everyone of course is going to have many different opinions on this subject, but in my personal opinion I feel it is wrong. I feel that even though it is a fetus (which I believe is a human) It should have a chance at life just as everyone else does. Your talking about killing a innocent child that didn't ask to be brought into this world the parents brought it into the world and why kill it. I can understand someone getting raped I've been there and that might MIGHT be the only ok reason to do it. If something is so bad you need to have an abortion, give it up for adoption acleast give that child a chance. If it wasn't that child's time to be born God would not let it happen. I also understand how people say "how can you expect someone to let a baby grow inside them for 9 months" but I still think they should either try to raise that baby or give it to someone who can because there are many people who want children but can't have them. So you would be blessing the child with a good home and two loving parents.
  • I don't agree with the idea that just because there are people in the world who want babies and can't have them, that a woman should be forced to carry and give birth to a child that she doesn't want. There are enough unwanted, orphaned children in the world as it is without forcing women to add to the problem by taking away the only "other" option we have available. Not that it would do any good, since we all know that making something illegal doesn't make it a non-issue.
  • Personally, I would never choose to have an abortion, however, I do feel it should be the parents choice. In some circumstances, abortion is perhaps the right choice, health and rape being the main 2. I know someone who is so serverly epileptic that had they have not had an abortion, they most probably would have died at 19. Although on some levels abortion is murder, if the foetus was to be taken outside of the body, then it would die anyway. Making it under your control, therefore, withdrawing your support is not the same as conventional murder. I think it is difficult when a child is unwanted, as you should have been more careful in the first place - this is brought upon yourself. At the same time, getting rid of a child becasue it will be born serverly disabled is not fair, and doing it becasue the child will not have a 'good life' is a lie, it is purely and simply because you don't want to cope with it. However, what happens to your body, and your life, is your choice. And if you decide abortion is the best option then ultimatly, it is your decision, but you will have to live with the consiquences.
  • Question left unanswered, better reason to rate me down.
  • I think it should be an option available to anyone who wishes to pursue it. I think it's a serious decision to be made by the mother (& father) to-be, and it shouldn't be taken lightly. It should be a last resort - if you don't want to become pregnant then you should use all the birth control methods available, not just rely on getting an abortion when a pregnancy occurs. (Not that I think this happens often, but just that I don't approve if it does). I think that if the pregnancy is far enough along for the baby to be potentially viable outside the womb, then there should be no abortion. The baby should be carried to full term, and given up for adoption. It's been too long. In my opinion, abortions should really only take place during the first trimester; The second trimester ONLY if it's for medical reasons. Although I know many many many MANY people do not approve of the procedure, and consider it murder, I do not think that they have the right to make it "illegal" and take away the option for those people who don't agree. I believe that being "pro-choice" means that I support the right people have to make their own decisions. If a woman thinks it's murder, then she has a right to NOT get an abortion. However, someone who considers it an option should have the right TO get an abortion. The right to CHOOSE for themselves, not to control other people. I have never been in a situation where I might have considered getting an abortion, so I can't say what I would, or wouldn't do. At this point in my life, I would say that I wouldn't do it. But I support everyone else's right to make their own decision.
  • Duplicate.
  • I am pro-choice, see some other questions on this topic for more information. (Ps. This is a duplicate question.)
  • I'm staunchly pro-choice and have, in fact, had an abortion.
  • i think that everyone has not only a right to life but the right to a good life (at all stages). you have to weigh up whether a child’s right to life is more important than both its an the mothers right to a good life, if u cant provide for the child, if u cant promise to love the child more than u could ever love urself then u shouldn’t have it. why bring another unwanted life in2 this world?
  • I'm personally very against abortion. I think if you think you're mature and old enough to be having sex, you should be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. And I know people bring up rape, that and medical reasons is the only time I support it. I'm a teenager and I have many friends who say if they were to become pregnant, they would have an abortion. They admit that they would use it as a form of birth control because half of them are to lazy to use a condom. And I find it insane that in the UK, you can legally have abortions until the end of your second trimester. By 6 months, it is clearly a baby.
  • I'm against it for just because I'm not ready. However if a girl was to be raped, then I'm for it.
  • It's a very controversial subject. Also, I'm in support of a woman's right to choose.
  • It's the woman's right to choose, as it should be. I also think there is too much controversy on this subject; people should care more about the born perhaps. It's a difficult enough subject though and people should also refrain from moralising on it.
  • This is a massive question and it's difficult to answer in general terms, but I think men should realise that a decision whether to have an abortion or not isn't theirs and that they (we) just have to be there to offer support.
  • I find it strange how those who are for abortion are against the death penalty. And I am glad that there is a great deal of controversy around this subject because what kind of people would we be to just easily accept the killing of our unborn without a great deal of debate?
  • I could'nt imagine choosing to end the little zygote's life. No way! A miscarriage is bad enough.
  • it is a womans choice.
  • People find my answer shocking. I am for abortion. There are reasons like rape or illness that a woman should have that option. I do not support it as a "birth control". Oh and the reason my opinion is so shocking is because I am adopted. If my birth mother aborted you wouldn't be reading this fine answer. =)
  • I'm located in NJ. Here we have the option of giving birth to the child and leaving it anonymously at the local police department or at the local hospital. With that option, why would you kill the child? You also have the option of adoption. Abortion, I think, should constitute as murder. If you think you're ready to do the deed, be prepared to stand up and take responsibility for your choices. We're too quick to pass off blame instead of admitting to our own actions. With all the forms of contraception available in today's society, why are you using the method that takes the choice of life away from an innocent child? That child is a piece of you. How can you? No, I'm definitely not for abortion, and I think it should be much more difficult to get an abortion than, "Eh, I'm just not ready for a baby, Doctor. Where do I sign?" If you're not ready for a baby, you shouldn't be fornicating in the first place. Go back to playing with your Barbie Dolls and G.I.Joe action figures. Go back to school, you still have much to learn.
  • I'm pro choice I CHOOSE to keep my pants up. Its a child not a choice, if you don't want to have a child here is a thought STOP HAVING SEX. The only time I think it should be legal is rape, mother's life, and fatal and intreatable birth defects.
  • We are all pro life and pro choice, but you have to chose if you are for or against abortion. I could never speak for anyone, and it's a woman's body, so it's her choice. If I were to make the decision, it would be a trial by trial decision. So no definitive answer except: whatever.
  • I'm against it. In this day and age with all of our effective, cheap, and readily avalibe forms of birth control there's no reason to even have abortions. Other then the sad fact that as a socity we are totally unwilling to accept responsability for our actions.What drives me nuts is when people say the whole thing about a woman shouldn't be forced to carry a baby she didn't want. Nobody is forcing her to do anything she didn't sign up for by not using birth control when she had sex.If she didn't want the baby then she shouldn't have had sex. Or at least she and her partner should have taken the time to be responsable for their actions. Common sense, if you don't want to blow your head off don't play Russian Roulette. And the whole thing about it being her body totally neglects the fact that it maybe in her body, but it's the baby's life. Not too mention that we disregard the father's rights in all of this. If he was good enought to lay down with then he good enough to be in on the decission of what happens to his child. And geneticlly it's just as much his child as it is her's. I like how we take the right to decide to be a father away from the guy, but then expect him to pay up if she keeps a baby he didn't want. But then again he also was responsible for the lack of birth control. Add to all this that we really don't know when life or conciousness begins. To me until we know for sure we need to error on the side of caution. And to me that's after implantation and the first split. Until then it only has the potetial for life, not life. Kind of like a seed. We also need to look at the mental and emotional effects on the mother which are far worse then when she gives the baby up. Any feelings of relief she gets are very short lived and come from the rush associted with the procedure which mimics a birth. She gets the baby rush that is then followed six weeks later by the baby blues. And because the pregnancy was interupted at a higher hormonal rate then a woman goes full term the fall is much worse. And then there's the whole moral delimma side of it to deal with. All in all most women regret the decision to have an abortion. Just look at the woman who started this all. She's now an antiabortion supporter. And we need to look at the fact that a socity that does not respect all forms of life respects nothing in the end. Look at the Romans and the Coloseaumes and slave trade. Thier blood lust was their down fall.
  • Abortion is Pro-Death.
  • I am pro-choice. I think woman should have the choice as to whether they want to have an abortion or not. I think abortion should be legal, especially in instances like rape. If I girl gets raped and can't go through with the birth and doesn't feel like she can take care of her child, then I think it is her right to choose whether she wants an abortion. I think abortion is wrong though, I mean, I would never get one, but I think woman still should have a choice. No matter how wrong or right it is, women should still have a choice.
  • While I may not personally ever get an abortion, I don't think that I have the right to dictate whether or not someone else should be able to or not. I don't necessarily agree with it, but if it's an unwanted child, in many situations no life is better than a shit life. As for people who are adamantly anti-abortion, well, I don't see many of them adopting children whose mothers didn't want to abort them, but didn't want to keep them either. If adoption rates increased, I would be more OK with anti-abortion.
  • In my opinion it's a personal choice and I believe it's the womans' right to choose.
  • I think that those that believe life begins at conception are also pro-cancer. Tumors are living clumps of self-replicating cells yet they have no problem killing tumors. "Oh, but it will become a human!" Yeah? So that means that every egg in a woman's body that goes unfertilized and is expelled through menstruation and every nocturnal emission a man has are also murder. Therefore, within the first trimester I am pro-choice. And that means that the woman has the right to decide that she feels that all life is sacred and keep it! It amazes me how often people forget that pro-choice is NOT pro-abortion. After that though, there has been plenty of time to decide whether to bring the little blighter to term and abortions should only be performed if there is a valid medical risk to the mother.
  • I think its great for ppl who really need it, but no goas a form of contraception. I think the whole potential life debate is an irresponsible case. Children should not be brought into a world in which they won't be loved
  • i'm thinking it is horrible & no future being should be Xed out of the world but honestly if i was in a situation of that choice or leaving school....i may think about abortion....i know i hate myself for it. so im not sure.
  • I think it should be avoided if possible. Sometimes, i think it's for the best.
  • I think it's wrong. Don't jump down my throat, you asked. I know I don't have a monopoly on the truth, but in my heart I feel that abortion is wrong. In most cases of unwanted pregnancy, contraception could have helped a great deal. And maybe if people didn't have sex at all unless it was with a commited, long-term partner this would be less of a problem. In the few cases where a pregnancy results from an unwanted sexual encounted (rape, incest) the baby should be given up for adoption. There are so many people who want children, but can't conceive. Anyway, just my presonal thoughts.
  • i think if ppl are irresonsible to have unprottected sex in the first place, they should live with it, not sentance a poor inocent young life to death, just becouse they were irresponsible, i for 1 consider abortion equal to murder, it's the same as killing an infant, only your killing it before it can even be born, that's just not right, how would sumbody feel if they were told that they're parents were considering abortion? never having a chance to live, it's like what if the baby your killing could have grown up to be someone important? (k dude by now im sure u get the point soo...... yea that's wat i feel about it"
  • I believe that is wrong. I would not have one and I don't support it in any way. It is against my personal beliefs and against my God's beliefs. Even when I was not a Christian I did not think it was right. It is a decision that you can never, ever change your mind about. It is just too final. I also believe that all children are a gift from God and are here for a purpose. I also believe that all life is sacred and should not be taken for the sake of convenience as is the case with most abortions in the US.
  • I think Abortion is very wrong. The child in question, did not ask to be brought into the world, it was the parents, that did not take the proper action to avoid this type situation, from happening. I think that the parents, owe that child the right to live a normal and happy life, with someone else, who wants and can't have a child and who will love and care for it. I believe, that adoption is a much better option.
  • I'm 'pro-choice' - that abortion facilities should be available to all women in all areas. Personally, I would not like to bring a child into this world - I'd be a terribly inconsistent mother with bad mood swings in which I could endanger my child, post-natal depression would floor me for around a year and the child would miss out on important mother-baby interaction. There's also a high chance the child could inherit my bipolar disorder and hereditory cancer and heart conditions, which all run in my family, and which I wouldn't wish on Hitler. The decision should be up to the woman whose body is carrying the child - what right has the state to govern her body? However, if the woman is in a permenant relationship, I think the man should have a say also, but ultimately it would be the woman's decision. If abortion centres were readily available, it would really help with teen and young women's pregnancies, as appalling in my country there is an incidence of teens that kill their babies after birth or who cannot care for the child properly and the child winds up being hit or beaten to death.
  • I don't agree with it, but see it as an okay thing in just a few cases: The mother's life is at risk. The baby is definitely going to die, even if born. I don't agree with the abortions because people just don't want the baby or are afraid to raise a child with a disability. In fact, even if raped, I couldn't bring myself to have an abortion. It would be an awful thing, but it would still be my child.
  • It ia up to the woman/mother. She will have to deal with the child. All the guy has to do is pay child support. I am pro choice through and through.
  • If a baby is in the womb, you can kill it. If it is outside the womb, you can't. To me, a baby is a baby no matter where it is. So I think abortion is killing a baby. However, there are plenty of birth control products available to help ensure you don't get to that decision.
  • I'm all for birth control and wish more people would use it properly. I want to see abortion made illegal again. You made your choice when you laid down without birth control to take the chance on getting pregnant. And that goes for the guys too. Time to take responsablity for what you have done. And not run away and pretend like it didn't happen. That never works. And why do we never consider adoption any more?
  • I'm completely pro birth control. It's there people, use it. I'm totally against abortion for 'convenience' or because someone was too lazy or stupid to use birth control on the first place. However, I support abortion for extreme circustances. Someone I knew was raped, and became pregnant, and had an abortion, and I was in complete support of her. I stuck by her when many of her other 'friends' wouldn't, because they were completely against abortion for any reason. But I disagreed with them entirely. She was 16, and you can't force that thing on someone. It was horrific that she was raped in the first place, but to have to deal with a child as a result of rape... I'm sorry, but no.
  • If you correctly use birth control - including that little known practice of self control and abstinence - then abortion becomes a sometime problem. By a sometime problem, it stops being a method of birth control and becomes something that happens sometimes because 'stuff' happens, ie, rape or diagnosis of birth defect to name just two. I agree that birth control should be readily available to all ages, it doesn't promote underage sex, because "when a guy and a gal are gonna, they're gonna". And I would rather they use an appropriate method to prevent conception than the girl have an abortion or unwanted pregnancy.
  • Abortion is a spin on the word 'kill.' And it should be called pregnancy control not birth control. Well, that's my opinion. On another note: I also believe that 'pro choice' is a spin too. Really, it should be pro death. I'm all for choice! I like having choices! Choice means freedom. Freedom to choose one course over another. But that child will never get to voice a choice if it's aborted. Now how is that pro choice? $h!t happens. Rape is bad, evil. Starvation is bad, evil. Violence is bad, evil. What choices do we take when those are involved. Kill the hungry? Kill the abused? NO! Kill the unborn? Why? Is that child evil? Abort the Rapist instead!
  • Abortion has been around for thousands of years and will be around for many more.It should not be judged by the so called moral majority.It is necessary in many cases and to regulate it is improbable and unlikely.To criticize one that does so is unwise and unproductive.
  • my choice on it, its the womens choice, but i wont give her any sympathy if she didnt try to prevent it like using condoms and such. Then i dont believe a child should die by the parents studpidity. Birth control if its there, use it. I hope not to be burned by my statement on this issue!!!
  • I'll always believe abortion is murder and birth control should be available to those who can't afford it.
  • keep it legal and safe.
  • My thoughts are that such a decision lies with the mother considering it. It is her body and her right to make such decisions. I have spoken on this subject in the past in great detail, and have nothing more to add on the subject of abortion at this time.
  • That it should be left to woman to decide if it is needed.
  • It is the mothers decision. It is her body and her health, and she has to live with whatever choice she makes. Keeping it a legal choice also keeps it safe, and we don't have to worry about both the baby's and/or the mother dying, because they went to some back room "doctor" or to Mexico for the procedure.
  • I think it is the mothers decision to abort a fetus or not. It is her who will have to carry it. It is her who will have to deal with what to do with it if shes doesnt abort it. There are alot of things to think of beside the fact your are killing a unborn child.
  • hah - I'm not commenting on that again. It's a big topic which has certain terms to do or not to do...
  • My take on this issue is inconsistent with my opinions on other issues. I'm not a dogmatic person, I’m not even a Republican, but... A person at any stage of development, even that of a just-fertilized ovum, is genetically human... that's a fact. OK, but is there a point at which it's not yet β€œreally a person”? No, I don't think that there's any logical point at which you can say "As of this point, this is a full-fledged human, worthy of protection, but before that, it's killable.". (Yes, killable - it's a separate organism from its mother, with its own circulatory and nervous systems.) For example... 1) Does personhood start when the baby is born? But what could there be about moving 10 inches from inside the womb to outside the womb that could magically confer on a being the status of personhood? 2) How about, personhood starts when the baby starts breathing on its own? But what’s the difference between receiving your oxygen through an umbilical cord or via your lungs? Also, it’s not ok to kill a baby (or adult) who's breathing only on a respirator (ie, not on his own). 3) Is it ok to abort when the baby can’t yet survive on its own outside the womb? a) Well, does β€œon its own” mean with no food or heat source? For how long? Any person, even grownups, will eventually die without food, water, heat, or medical attention. b). But, even ignoring that question, for how long would the baby have to survive β€œon its own” to qualify as a person... 24 hours? 5 minutes? What if it’s an almost full-term baby that stops breathing at 3 minutes or has other correctible medical conditions... would it be OK to not resuscitate because it’s not yet 5 minutes? c) OK, how about surviving on its own "indefinitely" or "for a reasonable period"? You’d still have to specify a time period. 4) Is it OK to abort during the first half of the pregnancy? What if the count is off and we accidentally kill a fetus who's "human” by one day over 4.5 months? And what would be so magical about 135 days (11,664,000 seconds) that makes somebody human? 5) Maybe it’s ok to abort when the baby is not yet viable to live outside the womb? Given the advancement in medicine, that would mean that X-week-old fetuses that were not human 20 years ago would be human now, and what are now non-humans (because with current technology they have no chance outside the womb) would be human if born 20 years from now. 6) OK, it must be ok to to abort a fetus at some point before which there’s no hope of surviving outside the womb, like 3 months, right? Again with the artificial time limits, oy. What if the age estimate is off? Also, 50 years ago, they couldn’t have conceived of 5-month babies surviving. But mostly, what could be so magical about being supported inside the womb via the umbilical cord, versus surviving in an incubator through an IV drip (or, 50 years from now, in a vat of synthetic amniotic fluid or something)? Neither one confers upon a being the special protected status of humanity? 7) OK, it absolutely must be OK to abort a microscopic clump of cells, right? Well, sorry, I just keep on returning to my thought of β€œthere’s no magic point at which somebody becomes human”. I’m a human, and I once was a clump of cells. I didn’t β€œcome from” a clump of cells; I was one. The clump of cells was alive and growing. It was not an internal organ of my mother. It was not a temporary pseudo-organ resident of my mother’s body like the placenta. It was genetically me. It was me at one stage of my development. At one point in my physical existence I was that clump of cells. If I had been aborted, my life would have ended. And no, it’s not ok to end the life of a clump-of-cells human just because it’s not conscious or has no brain activity (or even brain), any more than it’s ok to kill a brain-dead person in an irreversible coma just because he causes you hardship or inconvenience. I have just never been able to think how we can say it’s ok to kill a fetus at any point. If I’m being dogmatic instead of logical, tell me. Also, I appreciate this question not degenerating into a flame war - thanks!
  • Keeping it legal isn't really an issue in Australia, and I'm glad of that. We have an over-population problem (on a global scale) as it is.
  • Pro-Choice.
  • i believe if you are an adult then its ur choice. but if u are a minor than u should consult a couselor and ur parents because they are going to be the ones also involved whether u keep the child or not they will be there to support you. *(and be the financial provider for the child unless u work/go to school/take care of the child). hard decission to make. good luck god be with u
  • I am pro-choice. The government should not decide that you have to have a baby, especially if you are not going to be able to care for it. I am agaist partial-birth abortion. As much as I am agaist children being born into families that can't or won't take care of them, if you want or need to end your pregnancy do not wait until the child is practically born!
  • It is MURDER!
  • Its sad....... Killin life inside of you.
  • I'm glad that safe surgical abortions and medical abortions are available in my country. I'm glad that I don't have to give birth to a child I don't want because my contraception failed or I was raped or molested. I also don't think it's anyone's business what I do with my body. If all you anti-abortionists are so intent on EVERY child being born, why don't YOU raise them all?
  • A minor surgical procedure.
  • It's an ugly and unsavoury concept for most people, but I think that sometimes it's better for everyone involved, the potential child included. I believe that it's a woman's right to decide what happens to her own body and to her own life. Having a child, no matter the circumstances, is a majorly life changing event, and having one when you're not prepared can be a life-ruining event, for both mother and child. In my opinion, allowing a child to be born when it would not have a good quality of life is cruel to both mother and potential child, and as sacred and valuable as life is, that's all the more reason not to ruin one or more of them. It's the woman's decision, if the child would be the result of rape, then I'd say that the woman is more than justified in aborting the pregnancy before it grows to term, after all, no one deserves to have that kind of taint on their life becuase they were brought into existance that way. It's an ugly business, but in some circumstances it's also a necessary one.
  • I'm all for it. I do not beleive that a child should be brought into this world for many various reasons... in many ways, it's often a gift, really - both to child and parent. If a mother is raped, should she be foreced to bear the child of her rapist? If a child will have severe handicaps, could it be a favor to make it so they do not need to go through with that? If parents are strugling ecnomically, is it fair to bring a child into that situation? If someone isn't ready to parent, should they be forced to? If it was a very stupid mistake, should both mother and innocent child have to pay for it - espeicaly the child?
  • I'm going to get burned at the stake for this answer. Here goes: 1) It is none of the church's business as to what a woman chooses to do with her body. 2) Abortion should not be used as a solution to poor judgment, irresponsibility, or as an excuse for not using contraceptives. 3) Federal tax dollars should not be spent on abortions. However, if individual states choose to set up voluntary funds and guidelines. I would not object. 4) I'm not, nor will I ever choose to be the arbiter of another's morality. I will be supportive, but don't expect me to be doing any handsprings. 5) There may be legitimate reasons for or against abortion. It is not up to me to decide.
  • i would never have one when i say never, i mean never, don't give me scenarios, i am serious
  • I believe a woman's right to choose should extend clear up to the time her child graduates high school. (Don't worry, I'm kidding!!!)
  • I support it. First there's what some people already stated -- the cases of rape, bad circumstances, etc. Then, there's this-- one of my friends has diabetes on both sides of her family, various mental disorders, bad eye sight, and a million other problems, some fairly serious. She doesn't want children because they would have horrible health and it would basically be torture for them. What if something happened and she got pregnant? I think abortion would be a pretty good choice.
  • I don't think that abortion should be the first choice for anyone. I would never have one nor would I hope that my daughter would ever have one. I think the number one choice is education on morals, birth control, and adoption. However, I don't think abortion should be illegal. There are situation like rape and the health of the baby and/or mother that it certainly should be a choice. I also think it should be a choice for those who feel like they have no options. I once worked with a girl who was the product of her mother attempting to abort her by drinking draino and using a hanger. This girl lived to adulthood, but she was mentally retarded, had seizures, a list of medical problems to long to put on here and lived her life in an institution. If that mother would have thought she had options her daughter would not have had to suffer her entire life no matter what her decision was. I am a firm believer that we can not determine someone else's quality of life, but....
  • That it is a very touchy issue, that divides people. That it is a personal choice and each individual should make their own choice. That religion should not define law. And as a man, it's not my choice.
  • If I were Dick Cheney's mother - I would definitely have done it.
  • It goes in the same category as a question of prostitution, taking drugs, comiting suicide. What you want to do with your body is your right if it doesnt hurt others. In this case fetus is a part of a womans body. It cannot be treated as separate individual. As for myself if I want to have a child there are other ways of achieving that: by providing a loving home for that child to grow up in.
  • As a once unborn child I am glad that it was illegal at the time!!
  • i think it's wrong
  • I'm against it i think that an innocent child shouldn't be killed simply for the irresponsible parents he got if you are choosing to have sex you are also choosing to be safe and if you didn't took proper measures its your fault not the child's. thats my opinion.
  • Pro It should be the woman's choice if she wants a baby or not
  • i am in between if the baby endangers the mothers life i'm ok with it.
  • Technically, abortion IS birth control, as it controls birth. Not all abortions are elective. For instance, a miscarriage is medically termed a "spontaneous abortion". I think what you want to ask is what is thought about elective abortion and contraceptives. I think both are up to a woman, as her body is hers and she can decide what to do with it, or what to have in it. I do not think there is any justification for forcing a woman to give birth against her will. I think that both have contributed significantly (to the point of being a necessary condition) to the economic emancipation of women that has given them relative equality and autonomy. The ability to choose when to reproduce is critical to a woman's human rights.
  • Yes, it definitely happens.
  • I belive it exists but Ive never witnessed one
  • I was going to give a smart answer, but I was beaten to it. Seriously, I do not, unless the mother's life is in danger and there is no alternative. I believe there are always alternatives.
  • I believe that Women need to have the right to abortion, however I don't believe abortion should be used as a last resort birth control, there are plenty of ways to prevent pregnancy before the foetus has formed. I also believe the father should be able to prevent the abortion of his child by the Mother unless she has a good reason to abort.
  • I believe in abortion in some cases for mothers. In cases where the woman is raped, then I see it ideal for abortion, because the woman refused to the man, but rather was forced by the man when the woman rejected it. However, in any other case, I don't abortion as ideal.
  • Abortion is a tragic choice to have to make. It's not a good thing; it's not to be done lightly. The test question here is, "What is the least of the evils?" Nothing is simple. I believe abortion should be an option under the law. I hope no one I love ever has to face the choice to terminate a pregnancy.
  • Do you believe in killing?
  • I believe that a woman should have the right to have an abortion for any reason she wants during the first and second trimester. She should only be able to have a third trimester abortion in the cases of rape, incest, or a medical problem that would prevent her from having a delivery of a viable baby. What most anti-abortion activists don't realize is that abortion is a LAST resort, not a replacement for condoms or the pill. No one should take away someone's last resort.
  • Is murder a bad thing? Yes! So no I think abortion is wrong. but thats just me =)
  • Yes, I also believe that a woman (and a man, or so science is evolving) has a right to choose what goes into her body and how it comes out of her body.
  • i don't think abortion is a matter of believing in it or not. it just is, and anyone who wants it should have the right to get it.
  • I do believe in abortion. a woman should have that right
  • it's between a woman and her doctor - nobody else's business -
  • Personally, if your old enough to have sex then you are old enough to have a baby. I can understand people having an abortion if it is for medical reasons (baby has downs or similar) as I have worked with people with downs and it really is not nice. But I do not agree with people having an abortion because they "are not ready" for a baby. Thats just an excuse!
  • That it's too many shades of gray to come up with a honest answer.
  • Its a womans body so its her choice. But having been there, and having done that, most woman don't take the time to REALLY thing about what happens AFTER -the feelings you will eventually have and the possible consequences on your body. I know most women wouldnt care for a counselor before hand though, thinking its not their business and I am not avocating counseling- I am just saying women should sit down and really think about it- imagine yourself 5, 10, 20 years down the road- what if you can't or don't have kids in the future??? Can you deal with the regret?

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