I almost never eat yams. I don't mind them, it's just that I fill up on salad, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and turkey so that there's no room for anything else afterward.
yams and any kinda squash dish so gross
Yams & Cranberry
Ha-ha! Same here.
Turkey legs. I'm just not a fan of dark poultry meat. I'll take white meat, please, slathered with cranberry sauce in lieu of gravy. I'm not big on gravy either.
Stuffing, it is very disgusting no matter the recipe used. It just means more for others... if I were having a Turkey day this year... :,<
Since it's usually at my house, I like everything that is prepared. But I would never eat brussel sprouts or anything with liver or mushrooms!
Green Bean Casserole. I like green beans I just think the casserole is disgusting.
Sweet potatoes or yams. They are disgusting (imo).
Turkey. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years.
I'll second the greenbean casserole.
sweet potatoes, yams or cranberry sauce. YUK. Not a big fan of dressing either unless it's prepared really well.
I dont like the cranbury, and the ham with pineapples. yuck. i like them all seperate but together is yucky
That nasty cranberry sauce in a can. Even the noise it makes when it comes out is nasty! LOL!
Personally - I hate everything for Thanksgiving, unless there's ham - which there usually never is. I pick at my plate to be polite, but usually I eat before I go. I know, horrible spirit to have on "THANKSgiving...", but I just don't like turkey and all the trimmings. Ok, maybe I like stuffing if it's stove top. I'm a picky eater....
I DO NOT eat ham on Thanksgiving! I know ... it's ridiculous! But, I think Thanksgiving is for TURKEY, and I do not like any substitute. Several years ago, one of my daughters decided she didn't like turkey anymore, so ... my M-I-L started making both at Thanksgiving. I had no problem with that. BUT ... 2 years ago, she decided to just make HAM! WHOA !!!!! Thanksgiving without turkey is BLASPHEMY, isn't it? Never wanting to cause a scene, I "sucked it up" (it was so hard, LoL), and ate the ham. But, NOW, I make my own turkey (to make sure I'm not tricked anymore)! P.S. - with all the crap going on in the world today, and I sit around and worry about what kind of food I'm gonna have on Thanksgiving? ... poor, pitiful me, LoL!
I hate stuffing, I hate yams and sweet potatos, not crazy about turkey either. I'll take the mashed potatos, gravy and some rolls please. I don't even like the pumpkin pie because it reminds me of sweet potato pie..........
Turkey neck, hearts & gizzards.
Yams and pumpkin pie dessert. Yuck.
Sweet Potato.
The China one my Mum gave me.
My mother's brussel sprouts in garlic.
turkey gizzards
that's the advantage of being the cook, i always make the things I like to eat!!
GADS,,,it has to be that dreadful, over 50-year old recipe called the 'green bean casserole'....I despise green beans anyway, and put into that casserole form with the onions,,,,,,UGHHHHHHHH
Anything that has squash or turnip *gag*.
the giblets or neck parts
Gravy. i don't like the taste.
I've never liked cranberry sauce :x
Cranberry anything
Sweet Potato's, Yams, anything with Cranberry
Mashed potatoes. I can't swallow them easily. It's a texture thing.
whole cranberry sauce, I prefer jellied
Oyster dressing... Turkey "innards"... :-P
turkey...i eat everything except for turkey lol
No yams, no pineapple, no Jello, and nothing with marshmallows in it.
Giblet gravy. ECK!!!
Cranberry sauce is my top one. There's some other stuff I wouldn't eat but I don't think they were necessarily traditional Thanksgiving dishes.
pumpkin any thing
Sweet potatoes. I just don't like 'em, and I've tried them about 20 different ways from about 20 different cooks. ESPECIALLY the ones with marshmallows. YECCH!
Can't think of one. Even when I ate at others' for Thanksgiving, but I usually cooked the dinner so I didn't fix what I didn't like. Now I live alone and don't cook for Thanksgiving. I usually have at least one meal brought to me, sometimes more! I'm blessed!
Linda Joy
After a little more thought, I'll say giblet gravy. If I ever make it, it would be on request. And I think even then the giblets should be finely chopped or ground. Or used to lure the dog into the bedroom or closet or outside until thanksgiving dinner is put away! :D
any thing pumpkin
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