Never eat at them anymore. Also as a side note, it seems to me that MOST food that is made "fast" is usually not the best food or the best for you or tasts very good, with a few SIMPLE exceptions like toast or a PButter sandwich or something.
About once or twice a month. It's obvious that fast food isn't good for us, but you can't compare stuffing your face with a giant greasy burger to eating a plain lettuce & tomatoe salad. It just isn't the same... And don't forget to dip your fries in your strawberry milkshake! That's why they're there for in the first place!
way to much at least once or twice a week
7 or 8 times a week.
oh about 5days a week. I work at subway so i get all my meals free while at work.
Less than once a month. My wife is an INCREDIBLE cook, dinner is always great, and her leftovers are better to take for lunch than anything the fast food joints can dream up.
VERY RARELY even when I am home, Subway is ok but I am not into a lot of junk except fries. I love fries
Never. Not anymore. I used to do it quite a bit. Never again. I'm with PainfulGinsu, PB&J is as fast as I get now!
Maybe once a week if that.
Once a year if that. But afterwards I always feel greasy inside and I can smell that nasty grease on me.
Almost everyday, I love Sphagetti and burger. Fastfood restaurant is the closest restaurant in our University, I don't have a choice.
Once or twice a month. The twister things at KFC only. Not including Chinese food.
Hardly ever.
Very rarely
NOt much. I usually fix my own burgers if i get the craving. Mine are much better.
this year upto now ive not had any LOL
once a week
Almost exclusively.
probably 5-8 times a week. we go because its cheaper to get 1.00 cheese burgers than making a meal and and a mess and having to clean it.i know its unhealthy,and ive been doing it for years. maybe thats why my heart hurts? huh!
Never. I think I would rather eat in Hell to be honest. I went into McDonalds once to wait for someone and it was horrible. I can't believe anyone actually eats the stuff.
Maybe once or twice a month. I do however,visit the local deli for a tunafish bagel sandwhich with lettuce,tomato,onion,sprouts,and provalone.God,it's good. :)
Never, I resist.
Never, do you have any idea how hard it is to find anything vegetarian in those places? Pretty hard. And plus, they're crowded, too well-light, and the food is just plain disgusting.
Too often, years ago. Now I'm more health conscious and only eat fast food about once a month.
No more than once a month, probably not even that much. Most Fast Food is too greasy for me and it makes me kind of sick.
Usually whenever I'm at school on campus, which thankfully this year, is only twice a week.
I take my great grandsons out twice a month. They like to go to Wendy's and get hamburgers but they do like the milk and fruit instead of the soda and fries with it. I usually try to get chicken or a salad. I know that still is not the healthiest eating, but I consider a treat when we do go.
I have not eaten at fast food resuarants in 15 years.All that food has been proven over and over to cause serious health problems,such as clogged arteries,obesity,and many other problems.Watch "Supersize Me" and you would never eat at a fast food restuarant again.You and your children deserve better restreaunts,Bad eating habits are handed down from parents to children
try not too, but a couple times a week
at least 2 times a day... because cafeteria food at the university is really bad
Barely ever.
do any of you know some reasons fast food restaruants can be okay. im doing a debate and it sucks how i have to agree that fast food can be okay. ughhhhh
Maybe twice a year. MAYBE.
Just a handful of times each year, maybe even just 1-2 times.
Very seldom. Usually teens run them and they are dirty and the food is unhealthy. They serve only fattening foods and drinks.
this sounds really unhealthy but 1 a week when my and my buds from church go out to lunch
sorry double answer!
A couple of times a week.
Very rare. I had Jack in the box the other day, and it was sick. I think it has been months before that since I have eaten fast food.
once a month, and yet i am still fat! lol
Quite often, now. I do secret shopping for a well known fast food chain, and need to make a visit once or twice a week to my local outlets.
about 2-3 times a month
Rarely, maybe not even once a month. It's usually when we are traveling and can't find any place else to go.
I don't like fast food. It gives me a tummy ache. So maybe once everyother month.
Daily, I don't have time to cook.
Rarely. It's funny though, I work at Mcdonalds. =]
Being the terrible parent I am, I take my kids out to get a donut at Dunkin' Donuts once a week. :) Other than that, we don't eat fast food.
i never eat fast food, i think i deserve better.
Ever two-three weeks,a lot of trans fats you know major contributor in heart disease,out lawed in California recently,and few other states as well.Must control the population I guess.Consider all the preservatives etc...Save yourselves become AMISH.
Once every couple months... and my idea of fast food is a veggie burger from Harvey's with a salad.... so..
Usually once a week mostly on the weekends
Fast food is not even aloud in this little hippy town! lol i drive 20 min if i want a freaking burger! so like twice a month?
Less than once a month.
I try to limit my fast food intake due to the Fat and Cholestrol ect .... However; I usually will get a meal from the Dollar or Value menu about ONCE every two weeks ....
once a week either a big mac or a whopper the key is moderation there is nothing wrong with it occasionally more people go then admit i have never seen a mcdonalds or burger king in my area go out of business but no one i know ever goes there go figure?
Once in a week!!!! mostly on week end days
Like roadrunners or rabbits? Never.
Not often at homemade. :)
I might eat is once a month but I am not a fast food person.
I eat fast food about once every two weeks or so .... +5
once a month
as often as i cook at home
once a month
Jeez, the last time was 2 or 3 years ago, and that was just a couple fries, not even a meal haha. :)
Too often...2-3 times month
Often. I just had some today.
Once in a month or two. My family makes sure that I get home cooked meal.
About once a year.
It all depends. Sometimes I'll go a long time without it, sometimes I'm eating some every day.
Yes I sometimes go to McDonalds and Burger King and KFC but not that frequent because I prefer to eat healthier. But sometimes it is nice to just indulge in calories :P
Yes, ice cream cones, Mcflurry (no syrup) & Ground Coffee. The 'Veggie burger is yuk' fried stuff in sauce.
Sometime.. but not often.
Never in my life I would. I tried a few times but never again. I would rather prefer to starve before I eat fastfood.
I try to avoid fast food whenever possible, but I occasionally go to McDonalds for breakfast - sausage mcmuffin w/egg is really good. Once in an EXTREMELY blue moon I'll go to Wendy's or White Castle. Sometimes those hankerings just can't be ignored! :)
Not any more. The last time was about 15 years ago.
I don't eat any fish or meat products anywhere. I'll eat their other stuff.
I will go to Long John Silvers one time a month and Burger King one time a month.
Maybe once or twice a month.
No~not unless I was forced to~by a child or a very strang adult~~this is a place where gain and pain rule
Dominoes Pizza has great hot wings. Then there's "Kimmy's", a smogasborg carryout that offers great food (if a bit overpriced).
I eat their Salads occasionally.
I recently stopped eating fast food several weeks ago, but I use to go to Taco Bell almost every other day.
No..I don't trust them and I would never support them by giving them my money..
I try to avoid fast food. But I do eat it about once every three weeks or so. +4
never alone. if my kid's INSIST and it's been a month (unless there's a really cool collection of happy meal toys) we go. i usually get a wrap with honey mustard.
Yes I eat McDonalds but nothing else as far as fast foods, maybe Jimmy Johns once in a while. Most of the time we go to fast casual such as Chipotle, Falafel King or Torta's (Mexicain around here). Have you also noticed that KFC has replaced the F by G for grilled. It's now KGC :)
not any more. i realized fast food is just dirt. it looks like dirt in the toilet bowl. it wasnt food i ate.
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