Depends upon what colour. But the one thing I cannot stand is when women paint their toe nails but not finger nails, or when they paint their toenails and fingernails in different colours. And one more thing. This recent style of having a strip of white paint at the nail's edge. I find it most ugh-ly.
on a scale of flexibility 6.9......for artistic impression 7.1
That seems a normal thing to do and doesn't inspire me to think anything in particular about them.
It depends on the girl. Some should and some should not.
I think that they probably have attractive toenails. What sort of answer might you have had in mind? Got a foot fetish? ;-)
They are good and decent girls like me :)
Well as a woman myself!!!! I quite like to paint mine it makes me feel good and also that i take pride in my appearence i've always felt that you can tell quite a lot from a womans hands and feet i'm not sure what mine say today though they're both painted in dayglo orange lol :=D
I think I'm quite wonderful, thank you. :-D
I don't think anything about it. I always have my toenails and nails painted.
I think its sexy. Not necessary, but sexy all the same.
I think that I want to ask them if they've been to any cool spas lately.
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